This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2009-06-22 at 1:21 a.m.
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ExtraBITS for 22-Jun-09

by TidBITS Staff

John Gruber Opines about WSJ Liver Transplant Article Sourcing [1] -- Late on 19-Jun-09, The Wall Street Journal published a surprising article about Steve Jobs having a liver transplant, but even more surprisingly, cited no sources for the information. John Gruber of Daring Fireball follows the threads to suggest that perhaps the source was a member of Apple's Board of Directors. (Posted 2009-06-22)

New Hotspot Handling in iPhone 3.0 [2] -- The new iPhone 3.0 software includes a better way of handling recurring hotspot logins by capturing the gateway login page information that you enter and re-joining the network automatically. This new method also introduced some bugs in existing Wi-Fi connection managers. Glenn Fleishman explains all at Macworld. (Posted 2009-06-18)

Apple Kills Q&A at WWDC App Store Session [3] -- Marco Arment is reporting a surprisingly dismissive gesture by Apple at WWDC. After the final developer session about publishing on the App Store, Apple cut, without notice or explanation, the standard Q&A segment that provides developers a crucial opportunity to go beyond the presented content. Apple's refusal to allow questions raises another one: What is Apple afraid of hearing from iPhone developers? (Posted 2009-06-16)

Adam Looks More at WWDC on the Tech Night Owl Live [4] -- If you just can't get enough WWDC coverage, don't miss Adam's recent podcast appearance on the Tech Night Owl Live to discuss all of Apple's announcements with Gene Steinberg. (Posted 2009-06-16)
