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"Take Control of Safari 4" Guides Readers Beyond Basic Browsing

by Adam C. Engst

We've just released "Take Control of Safari 4 [1]," a new book by long-time Mac author Sharon Zardetto. We've had many requests for a thorough explanation of Apple's Safari Web browser, and the beta of Safari 4 inspired Sharon to comb through the program, documenting exactly how it works for those who would like to learn a few non-obvious features so they can get more out of the program. If, to pick just a few of the topics covered, you've been slacking off on learning how to organize your bookmarks into a highly useful bookmarks bar, if you've never bothered to learn the keyboard shortcuts for working with tabs efficiently, or if you've always wanted to read RSS feeds but never quite figured them out, this 92-page book is for you. It's available in both PDF ($10) and print ($19.99) formats.

In "Take Control of Safari 4," you'll learn about new features like Top Sites and searching the page content of your bookmarks and history, and you'll get answers to questions like these:

Needless to say, if you already consider yourself sufficiently expert in Safari and other Web browsers, you probably won't learn that much from the book, but you might consider picking up a copy, skimming it for new tips and tricks, and then giving it to a friend or relative whose Web browsing techniques drive you crazy (you know, your buddy who insists on typing out every URL in its entirety, or your family member who hasn't picked up the utility of Command-clicking links).
