This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2009-05-04 at 1:52 a.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 04-May-09

by Jeff Carlson

Recurring permissions errors -- Intego VirusBarrier is causing permissions errors, but there doesn't appear to be a real problem. (7 messages [1])

iPhone FROM Down Under -- A reader shares the experience of using an iPhone under contract with Telstra in Australia in other parts of the world, including usage fees. (4 messages [2])

Using a Legacy iMac -- What limitations are you bound to run into when using an old translucent-body iMac today? (15 messages [3])

A Few Thoughts after 19 Years of TidBITS -- Readers share their thoughts and experiences related to reading TidBITS and using computers for nearly two decades. (11 messages [4])

Switching data plans to/from iPhone and Blackberry -- Is it possible to test third-party applications on the iPhone and BlackBerry devices without paying for separate data plans? (2 messages [5])

Windows Alternative -- ReactOS is an upstart alternative to Microsoft Windows that may run Windows applications in the future, but its implementation for now leaves much to be desired. (15 messages [6])

Weird 10.4 problem -- The Finder should not be appearing as the frontmost application every two minutes; Activity Monitor identified Firefox on a reader's Mac as the culprit. (5 messages [7])

Achieving Email Bliss with IMAP, Gmail, and Apple Mail -- Readers bring up queries about using Gmail's IMAP mode with Apple Mail. (14 messages [8])

Expunging old addresses in Apple Mail -- Mail's Previous Recipients list is responsible for bringing up an old email address even after it had apparently been deleted elsewhere. (3 messages [9])

Beware the GPS Thieves -- GPS units left in the car could conceivably lead thieves back to your house; take the GPS with you! (2 messages [10])
