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ExtraBITS for 27-Apr-09

by TidBITS Staff

Billionth App Prizes Go to 13-Year-Old [1] -- Apple passed its 1 billionth download from the App Store on 23-Apr-09, but it hadn't yet revealed who crossed the mark and won the company's prize. Well, now we know who to envy. Connor Mulcahey, age 13, of Weston, CT is now the happy owner of not only a downloaded app, but also a $10,000 iTunes gift card, an iPod touch, a Time Capsule, and a MacBook Pro. Congratulations Connor! (Posted 2009-04-24)

Adam Talks about Apple's Q2 2009 Earnings on MacNotables [2] -- For additional thoughts on Apple's stellar earnings report, and just why Apple is bucking the downward trend in the economy as a whole, listen in on the discussion between Adam and Chuck Joiner in this MacNotables podcast. (Posted 2009-04-23)

Earth to Apple [3] -- In honor of Earth Day, Jeff Bertolucci reflects on Apple's true, err, green, colors. In this three-part series on Macworld about Apple's position towards the environment, he takes a look at the company's supply chain, recycling program, and corporate motivations for environmental change. (Posted 2009-04-22)

Spam's Role in Environmental Damage [4] -- You can quibble with particular numbers or with the fact that this report (PDF link) was sponsored by McAfee, a company that sells spam filtering software. But its basic conclusion - that spam has a significant and deleterious effect on the environment - is entirely valid. Just another reason that spam is evil. Happy Earth Day. (Posted 2009-04-22)

Rich Mogull to Discuss Evaluating Security Stories on Your Mac Life [5] -- Tune in to Your Mac Life on 22-Apr-09 at 5:30 PM Pacific to hear TidBITS Security Editor Rich Mogull discuss his article on how to evaluate Mac security stories. The live audio stream will remain available through 29-Apr-09. (Posted 2009-04-22)

The Evolution of Apple Design, in One Image [6] -- Want to see how Apple's industrial design has evolved over the years? Edible Apple has a graphic that shows every Apple product released (computers, iPods, displays, mice, and keyboards), in chronological order. Someone should make a poster. (Posted 2009-04-21)

Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus Says Nice Things about TidBITS [7] -- Thanks to the estimable Bob LeVitus for his kind words about our efforts to provide original, thoughtful content in TidBITS! (Posted 2009-04-21)

Copy and Paste Locations in iPhoto '09 [8] -- Derrick Story has found yet another hidden feature in iPhoto '09 8.0.2. You can Control-click a photo with geotags attached, choose Copy, then Control-click another photo (or selection of photos) and choose the new command Paste Location. Sneaky, but useful! (Posted 2009-04-21)

Rich Mogull Discusses Mac Malware on MacVoices [9] -- TidBITS Security Editor Rich Mogull talked with MacVoices host Chuck Joiner about the facts and fictions surrounding Macintosh viruses and the recent "botnet" fuss. Listen to this MacVoices podcast episode for real-world advice about both avoiding malware and evaluating security stories in the media. (Posted 2009-04-21)

The Lifecycle of Microsoft Office [10] -- We recently noted that Microsoft Office 2004 will hit its end-of-life date (after which it won't receive any more updates) on 13-Oct-09. You can look up this date for other Office products at Microsoft's Web site, or just keep in mind that Microsoft offers "mainstream support" for a minimum of 5 years or 2 years after the successor product is released, whichever is longer. (Posted 2009-04-21)
