This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2009-02-22 at 11:26 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 23-Feb-09

by Jeff Carlson

Microsoft Store -- Readers envision what Microsoft's newly announced retail stores will be like. (3 messages [1])

Time to kiss Eudora goodbye? Now what? As Eudora continues to age, are Mail and Entourage the only viable replacements? What about Gmail? (72 messages [2])

Liquid Submersion Indicators Reveal Accidental Dips -- Apple can tell if your iPod, iPhone, or laptop has been exposed to liquid. (3 messages [3])

Western Digital Passport Studio for G4 laptop? A reader is looking for portable storage to accompany his PowerBook or iBook, and hoping for suggestions. (8 messages [4])

BSD UNIX - Basis for OS X? If you want to poke around under the hood of Mac OS X, be prepared to learn a host of different Unix flavors. (15 messages [5])

Stolen Laptops Redux -- After having two laptops stolen from a hotel room in London, a reader wants to know what can be done to restore his data and prevent future thefts. See what others do to protect their precious electronics. (9 messages [6])

Get a Free, Non-Expiring .Mac Address for iChat -- With other types of addresses compatible with iChat (such as AIM, Jabber, and Google Talk), what's the benefit of getting a free .Mac address? (3 messages [7])

Free Hotmail POP3 Access Now Available in U.S. Too -- Hotmail's POP access does not appear to be active for all users, which could be why a reader can't get it to work. (2 messages [8])
