This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2009-02-09 at 10:44 a.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 09-Feb-09

by Jeff Carlson

Backup & Large Drives -- With hard drives getting ever more capacious, what's the best combination of storage and convenience for backing up data? Also, readers discuss the lack of an easy solution to upgrade problematic Seagate drives. (19 messages [1])

SATA drive in Xserve's SAS drive sled? It appears possible to put a SATA drive into an SAS drive sled, but Adam would like to hear about some firsthand experience before giving it a try. (1 message [2])

Twitter & Mr. Engst -- Twitter has reached the point of acceptance where people argue about its terms: does a person tweet or twitter, and do the tweople listen? (14 messages [3])

iPhone GPS in Europe -- If you're traveling in Europe from the United States, look into getting a temporary AT&T international data plan. (6 messages [4])

Is the Zune Dying? Microsoft's latest financial statements revealed that the Zune's sales were pretty miserable during the holiday period. Are we seeing the last of Microsoft's iPod killer? (1 message [5])

10 Secrets of iMovie -- A reader notes that iMovie '09 on his computer does not include a cool new feature: the option to view the movie on a secondary display. (2 messages [6])
