
RISC World

Weird World Web

Hugh Jamptons link page, winner of the IT Industry ATOAM (Ash Tray On A Motorbike) award.

This issue I am under strict instructions to come up with some decent links. Although this doesn't really fit with the way I see this column I haven't got any choice. You see if I don't then Aaron has threatened to do something quite nasty involving a blunt object.


David McEwen's Acorn Emulator Ports Page

Fancy turning your high tech RISC OS machine into something else? Well here is the best place to start. There are emulators that can turn your machine into all sorts of old 8 bit computers, including an Atari 800. Better still you can choose from any (or all) of the 13 games console emulators. Of course you will need games to run on them...

Bills Great Adventure

yes, now you can take on the role of Bill Gates (the third) and solve this very entertaining on-line text adventure game. The humour might take a little getting used to, but it is right up my street (which saves on taxi fares).

Fun and Nostalgia


Are you old enough to remember the Telegoons? Well if not then I can tell you it was a slightly misplaced attempt to bring the Goon Shows to Televison, only using puppets. Gerry Anderson it ain't, but still well worth a quick nostalgia fix. And just because it was the best puppet of the lot here is Hercules Grytpype-Thynne.

Hercules Grytpype-Thynne

British Comedy

Since we are on a comedy theme this time (and every time - ED) here is the home of British Comedy. This new improved site has been split up into multiple section including The Goon Show, The Navy Lark and Kenneth Williams (infamy, infamy, they've all got it in for me) to name but three.

British Comedy Index page

A part of the British Comedy web site, but worthy of a mention on its own. This site provides a massive list of British comedians, along with links to sites about them. If its raining then this could be the first place to head for.

Well as the main logo says, its a complete waste of perfectly good technology. Stupid gifts, stupid sweets and an excellent Armadillo handbag (designed for carrying Armadillos), what more could make a Sunday complete?

Yes it really is an Armadillo handbag

RISC OS Companies

TAU Press

Well here is the web site for TAU Press, the company that publishes Acorn User. Wonder at the simplicity, marvel at the mission statement, recoil at the broken graphics link on the main page, wonder why the red text at the bottom doesn't have a link on it! You can also browse some of the other TAU Press publications, although the site doesn't mention the fact that Visions magazine disappeared after only two issues.

And there we have it for this issue. If you have a link you think we should publish then please send it to Aaron.

Hugh Jampton
