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Hardware products for RISC OS and Acorn computer systems

APDL can provide a wide range of hardware for Acorn and RISC OS computers. We specialise in Hard Drives, CD ROMs and CD Writers, and we have our own range of fast IDE interfaces. We are also a major supplier of RAM and Video RAM (VRAM) for RiscPC and A7000 machines at very competitive prices.

For the most cost effective way to boost the performance of a Strong ARM RiscPC you must take a look at our Turbo processor upgrade, which can give up to 25% speed increase for less than £50.

If you need a flexible backup system, especially if you have more than one machine, then we produce what is probably the most cost effective portable backup system available for RISC OS, the famous DataSafe.

For a low cost alternative to an expensive graphics tablet have a look at our Penulator. This looks and feels like a pen but works like a mouse and comes complete with software that lets you draw freehand in !Draw and many other programs.

We are asked so often about replacement mice and stocks of rebuilt Logitec mice are limited to we havedecided to expand out range.

We can, of course, supply complete RISC OS computer systems. As well as the standard machines from RiscStation, MicroDigital and Castle, who manufacture improved versions of Acorn's machines, we have our own Special Edition MicroDigital Mico, the lowest priced new RISC OS computer ever from less than £340 + VAT.

Of course, not everyone wants a new computer, so we often have secondhand systems available from prices as low as £70.