Ben says: Not bad, not bad at all. John Travolta seems to have really hit his stride as an actor lately, and here he proves that he can be more than just a hard man. The movie works on most levels, although I found the idea of the apple as the new sacrament both a little disturbing and crass. However, you do get carried along by the film in a state of easy amusement - even the FBI scenes are slightly funny and not half as tense as they should be (and where were Mulder and Scully?) - almost until the end when the pathos kicks fully in and Fiona reaches for the tissues (see my artist's impression). Overall, I felt it was a film that was perfect for an audience that just wanted a bit of entertainment, but it lacked a depth that could have made it a great film. All the same, I enjoyed it and that accounts for the high marks I'll give it now...
Ben gives it:

Fiona says: 'John Travolta is GORGEOUS' - official! What an entirely enjoyable film. Yes I did get a bit moist around the eyes and left nostril (don't ask me to explain. All I know is that my right nostril stayed completely dry)! Forget what Ben said about the apple. George (John T's character in the film) is merely using an analogy to explain a difficult concept to two small children. Watch the film and you'll understand. The message is that everbody has it within them to do fabulous things. It's just a matter of finding out what your particular thing is and then doing it. Go and see this film - with some tissues to hand - and just sit back and enjoy it. If you don't leave the cinema with a lump in your throat or an inability to see anything due to excess moisture in the ocular sockets then you don't have a heart.
Fiona gives it:

last updated: 2nd October 1996