Movie Reviews

We decided to change the layout of the way our movie reviews were presented for two reasons. The first is purely for my ease of use; the one level directory structure I was using for the web site was becoming increasingly unwieldy, secondly, I don't think everyone that visits the site knows about the feedback forms where you can have your say on our reviews. Tell us what you think of the films we have seen and your review will appear on the website.

I've decided to update this page using frames. I don't particularly like 'em, but they do work well for list-based pages such as this (and the book pages). If you are using an Amiga browser, I suggest you upgrade your version of iBrowse or Voyager to be able to cope with frames.

You talkin' ta me? I don't see anyone else, you talkin' ta me?
Which film? Rating:

last updated: 20th April 1997