Ben says: I actually used to collect a reprint of the Mars Attacks! collectors cards until it was determined that they were too gory and not really suitable for their target audience (whom I'm sure were probably, on average, old enough to remember the cards coming out in the first place) and the series was cancelled. So, it is perhaps not very surprising that I was waiting for this film with some pleasure. I also like Tim Burton's work - I think it's off-beat enough in this safe Hollywood film industry to create a spark of imagination no matter whether the films themselves aren't that great (Batman anyone?).

I'm glad to be able to say that I really enjoyed this film. I liked the aliens, I loved all the quirky touches like the map on the war room wall - subtly distorted, and the alien spacecraft which, although rendered with the fastest and most expensive CG systems in the world, still wobble from side to side as they move as if they were on strings! The humour was pitched just right too, from the aliens' "ack ack ack" speech translated into "We come in peace we are your friends" while they are busy raygunning down hapless Americans who think that saving the TV is a worthwhile exercise. It's obvious from watching it that the majority of the American populace would never favour this film over Independance Day with its gung-ho humourlessness.

The only downside is with the story which falters a bit and swerves to recover. Other than that, it's an absolutely superb film that everyone should see. Nice one Tim!

Ben gives it:yay!yay!yay!yay!duh!

last updated: 24th March 1997