Tags for creating forms in HTML

© Mike Smith
M.A.Smith@brighton.ac.uk University of Brighton UK.


* Form filling
* Simple forms
* Multiple elements
* Multiple lines of input
* Check boxes
* Radio button
* Pop up list
* Reset values
* Image maps
* Hidden form element

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Index Form filling

A web page can request input from the user who is browsing the page. After the user has finishing filling in the form, the entered data is sent to a CGI (Common Gateway Interface) script for processing. The CGI script returns as its result a text stream representing a web page. This web page contains all the normal text plus markup tags of a conventual web page. The only difference is that it is prefixed with the text:

Content-type: text/html

A form is introduced by the tag <FORM> and terminated by the inverse tag </FORM>. The attributes of the <FORM> tag include:

After the form has been filled in, the entered data is sent to the named CGI script for processing.

The script is confined to being in the cgi-bin directory or nominee. The location of the cgi-bin directory is defined by the web administrator.

Index Simple forms

A form to request the user to enter text which is to be sent to the CGI script mas_form is shown below. This is introduced by the <INPUT> tag.

Generated form HTML markup required
 <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name"
        SIZE=20 VALUE="Your name">

To activate the CGI program enter textual information into the text box and then press "Enter" on the keyboard. The input data is sent to the CGI script in the form:


The attributes of the <INPUT> tag include:

Names the argument which is sent to the CGI script
VALUE="Your name"
The value of the argument.
The width of the input area.

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In sending the data to the CGI script there are various character mappings of the input data to ease later processing. For example:

Input character Sent to CGI script Input character Sent to CGI script
space + % %25
= %3D & %38
Line Feed %0A Carriage Return %0D

How some input characters are represented by their hexadecimal representation. Which is indicated by the sequence %HH, where H is a hexadecimal digit.

A form to request a password or any secret text to be entered is:

Generated form HTML markup required
Enter PIN Number
 Enter PIN Number<BR>
 <INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="Password"
        SIZE=20 VALUE="">

Warning: This is not secure, unless the data is encrypted before being sent over the Internet. Even if it is encrypted, the encryption may still be broken.

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Index Multiple elements

More specialized forms can be designed, which contain multiple elements. In these forms an additional tag <INPUT TYPE="submit"> is used to cause the submission of the input data to the CGI script. The attribute TYPE="submit" identifies the type of input action. For example, the <FORM> tag encloses an <INPUT> tag of the form:

<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="button" VALUE="Send">

Which when pressed will send in addition to any information entered in the form the additional message button=Send. There may be several of these input tags with in a form. The VALUE attribute identifies which <INPUT> tag has been selected.

For example, the form below is composed of several buttons.

Generated form HTML markup required
 <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="button" VALUE=" A ">
 <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="button" VALUE=" B ">

Which when a button is pressed will send a message of the form:


to the CGI script if button "A" is pressed.

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Index Multiple lines of input text

A form to request the user to input multiple lines of input uses the <TEXTAREA> tag. So that the user can enter multiple lines the <INPUT TYPE="submit"> tag is used to signal when the form has been completed. For example:

Generated form HTML markup required

 <TEXTAREA NAME="feedback" ROWS=5 COLS=20>
 My thoughts so far are:
 <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="button"

As there may be many input lines there is an inverse </TEXTAREA> tag to signify the end of the initial value.

The attributes of the <TEXTAREA> tag include:

Defines the number of rows of the input area.
Defines the number of columns of the input area.

When there are several elements in a form the data sent to the CGI script is composed of the individual elements concatenated together with an &. For example, when the Send button is pressed and no changes have been made to the form data then the following information will be sent to the CGI script:


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Index Radio button

A form to request the user to select from one of a series of radio buttons uses the <INPUT> tag with an attribute of TYPE="radio". An example of a radio button input form to select the sex of a person is shown below:

Generated form HTML markup required
 <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="sex" VALUE="M">Male<BR>
 <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="sex" VALUE="W">Female<BR>
 <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="button" VALUE="Send">

The optional attribute CHECKED can be added to one of the <INPUT> radio tags to set a default selection. For example:

Generated form HTML markup required
 <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="age" VALUE="a">&lt;18<BR>
 <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="age" VALUE="b"
 <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="age" VALUE="c">65+<BR>
 <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="button" VALUE="Send">

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Index Check boxes

A form to allow the user to select one or more check boxes uses the <INPUT> tag with an attribute of TYPE="checkbox". An example of a checkbox form is shown below:

Generated form HTML markup required
Ada 95
 <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="use"
        VALUE="Ada 95" CHECKED>Ada 95<BR>
 <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="use"
        VALUE="C++" CHECKED>C++<BR>
 <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="use"
 <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="button"

The following extra attributes can be added to the input tag for a check box.

The initial state for this check box is that the box is checked.

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Index Pop up list

A form to allow the user to select an item from a pop-up list uses the <SELECT> tag. An example of a pop-up list is shown below:

Generated form HTML markup required
Media used is

 Media used is<BR>
 <SELECT NAME="Media">
         <OPTION SELECTED> Disk
         <OPTION> Floppy disk
         <OPTION> DAT tape
 <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="button"

The <SELECT> tag encloses the tag:

Which names a value in the pop-up list.

The OPTION tag may have an attribute of SELECTED to define the initial value of the pop-up list.

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Index Reset values

The <INPUT> tag with an attribute of TYPE="reset" is used to reset the values in a form back to their default value. For example, the following form may be reset to its initial values by pressing the "reset" button.

Generated form HTML markup required
I like to drink:

 I like to drink:<BR>
 <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="Like"
        VALUE="Coffee" >Coffee<BR>
 <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="Like"
 <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Reset"><BR>
 <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="button"

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Index Image maps

An image map is an image that when clicked on sends all the data that has been entered into the form plus the x,y co-ordinates of the position clicked on to a CGI script. For example:

Generated form HTML markup required

        SRC="../../pic/mas_fn50.jpg" ALIGN=TOP>

When a point on the image is selected (clicked) the position is sent to a CGI script.

A common use of an image map is to create customized buttons, or regions in an image that allow a user to navigate to a new document.

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Index Hidden field in a form

The protocol used to communicate with a CGI script is stateless, that is no information is remembered about the transaction. To preserve state information for later recovery a hidden field in a form can be created which can hold state information.

For example, in playing the game of noughts and crosses a CGI script is used to respond with the computers move as a web page. In this generated web page is a hidden field which contains state information about the current position of the game. When a player responds with a new move, the state information is used by the CGI script to reconstruct the last position.

To make this process secure the state information would not be a record of the moves made, but an encrypted index to where the current position of the game was held on the server.

Generated form HTML markup required
 <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="game" VALUE="P123456">
 <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="move" SIZE=2>

Of course several of these HTML form tags may be combined together to produce a form that requests several pieces of data.

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The material in these WWW page(s) is copyright © M.A.Smith August 1995
Last modified 24 February 1996