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Int 17 Fn A0  - Alloy Mw386 - Spool Copy Of File                           [N]

   AH = A0h
   AL = mode
       00h NTNX compatibility
       DX = ??? (NTNX, MW386 v1.x only)
       02h MW386 v2+
       BX = logical device number
           00h-03h = LPT1-LPT4
           04h-07h = COM1-COM4
   CX:SI -> ASCIZ pathname

Return: AL = status (see AH=81h)

Notes: makes a copy of the specified file in the spooler's directory, allowing
     the original file to be modified or deleted while the copy is printed
   in mode 00h, the file is printed on logical LPT1

See Also: AH=90h

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