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Int 17 Fn 9B  - Alloy Ntnx,mw386 - Set Print Break Timeout                 [N]

   AH = 9Bh
   AL = mode
       00h NTNX compatibility
       CX = timeout value in clock ticks (1/18 sec) (00h = never)
       01h MW386
       CX = timeout value in seconds (00h = never)
       02h MW386 v2+
       BX = logical device number
           00h-03h = LPT1-LPT4
           04h-07h = COM1-COM4
       CX = timeout value in seconds (00h = never)

Return: AL = status (see AH=81h)

Notes: modes 00h and 01h affect only the current logical LPT1
   if no data is sent to a printer for the specified amount of time, the
     spool file will be closed and queued for printing automatically

See Also: AH=97h

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