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Int 10 Fn 0F56  - Vuimage Display Driver (v2.20 And Below)                 [V]

   AX = 0F56h
   BX = 4756h
   CX = 4944h
   DL = function
       01h installation check

       Return: AX = 5649h
           BX = 4443h
           CX = 5647h
           DH = 01h
       02h get first video mode's parameters

       Return: AX = BIOS mode number
           BX = width in pixels
           CX = height in pixels
           DX = number of colors
       03h get next video mode's parameters

       Return: as for DL=02h
       04h display line???
       ES:DI -> record (see below)

       Return: ???
Program: VUIMAGE is a shareware GIF/TIFF image viewer by Offe Enterprises

Note:  the use of TSR display drivers was discontinued after v2.20
Index: installation check;VUIMAGE display driver

Format of record for DL=04h:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    row number
 02h   WORD    starting column???
 04h   WORD    ending column???

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