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Int 10 Fn 0F  - Video - Get Current Video Mode                             [V]

   AH = 0Fh

Return: AH = number of character columns
   AL = display mode (see AH=00h)
   BH = active page (see AH=05h)

Notes: if mode was set with bit 7 set ("no blanking"), the returned mode will
     also have bit 7 set
   EGA, VGA, and UltraVision return either AL=03h (color) or AL=07h
     (monochrome) in all extended-row text modes

See Also: AH=00h,AH=05h,AX=10F2h/BL=00h,AX=1130h,AX=CD04h

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson