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Int 6F Fn 9501  - 10net V5.0 - Get Shared Device Entry                     [N]

   AX = 9501h
   BX = zero-based index
   DS:SI -> server's node ID
   ES:DI -> buffer for shared device structure (see below)

Return: CF clear if successful
   CF set on error
       AX = status (see AH=00h)

See Also: AX=1501h,AX=9502h,AX=9503h,AX=9504h

Format of shared device structure:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  8 BYTEs  alias
 08h   BYTE    type (02h modem, 03h print queue, 04h directory)
 09h   BYTE    access rights
       bit 0: read
       bit 1: write
       bit 2: create
 0Ah  8 BYTEs  password
 12h 32 BYTEs  comment
 32h 64 BYTEs  pathname of shared directory
---print queue---
 32h   BYTE    notification bit mask (see below)
 33h   BYTE    job control bit mask (see below)
 34h   WORD    number of days to retain file
 36h   WORD    test print length
 38h   BYTE    number of copies to print
 39h   BYTE    compression algorithm
 3Ah   BYTE    tab width (00h = don't expand)
 3Bh   BYTE    priority
 3Ch   WORD    time to open queue (FFFFh = always)
 3Eh   WORD    time to close queue
 40h   WORD    pause following queue switch, in clock ticks
 42h   WORD    pause between print jobs, in clock ticks
 44h   BYTE    associate queue file existence mask
       bit 0: queue switch file exists
       bit 1: initiate file exists
       bit 2: abort file exists
 45h  6 BYTEs  character sequence for page eject
 4Bh   BYTE    status of print queue
       bit 0: queue is closed
 4Ch   WORD    number of jobs on queue
 4Eh   WORD    offset of next print job to be dispatched (FFFFh = none)
 50h   BYTE    number of print devices in printer pool
 51h   WORD    offset of first print device structure (FFFFh if empty)

Bitfields for notification flags:
 bit 0 user at print start
 bit 1 operator at start, with reply
 bit 2 user at print completion
 bit 3 operator at completion, with reply
 bit 4 user on queue switch
 bit 5 operator on queue switch, with reply
 bit 6 user on print error

Bitfields for job control mask:
 bit 0 print banner page
 bit 1 eject page at end of job
 bit 2 mark as "held" (queue but don't print)
 bit 3 rush job (queue at top)
 bit 4 overwrite file with zeros before deletion
 bit 5 hyperspool if possible

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