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Int 6F Fn 8D  - 10net V5.0 - "who" - Enumerate Users On Network            [N]

   AH = 8Dh
   BX = service mask (see below)
   CX = length of buffer
   DS:DX -> buffer for array of Who data structures (see below)

Return: CF clear if successful
       CX = number of nodes matching service mask
       DS:DX buffer filled
   CF set on error
       AX = status (see AH=00h)

See Also: AH=0Dh

Bitfields for service mask:
 bit 0 workstation
 bit 1 file server
 bit 2 print server
 bit 3 de-spool server

Format of Who data structure:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  8 BYTEs  user name
 08h 15 BYTEs  node ID
 17h  3 BYTEs  unique portion of Ethernet address
 1Ah   BYTE    Who group number
 1Bh   WORD    service mask (see above)
 1Dh   DWORD   serial number
 21h   BYTE    maximum concurrent users with same serial number allowed on net
 22h   BYTE    chat mask (see below)
 23h   BYTE    internal system bits (see below)
 24h  9 BYTEs  version number in format MM.mm.xxx
 2Dh   BYTE    number of shared directories
 2Eh   BYTE    number of shared printer queues

Bitfields for chat mask:
 bit 0 chat permitted
 bit 1 bell enabled
 bit 2 chat keyboard initiated
 bit 3 in INT 16 handler
 bit 4 in Get Input
 bit 5 display has timed out
 bit 6 chat is idle

Bitfields for internal system bits:
 bit 0 submit permitted
 bit 1 submit initiated
 bit 2 submit executing
 bit 3 internal client call/chat/spool/autospool
 bit 4 in spool termination
 bit 5 print permitted
 bit 6 waiting for keyboard input

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