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       This instruction regularly performs the following action:
       - binary number in AL
       - AH = AL / 10d
       - AL = AL MOD 10d

       Thus creating an unpacked BCD in AX.
       The normal opcode decodes as follows: d4,0a
       The instruction itself is an instruction plus operand. By
       replacing the second byte with any number in the range 00 -
       ff we can build our own instruction AAM for various number
       systems in that range. For example by coding d4,07 we
       achieve an instruction that performs: AH = AL / 07d, AL = AL
       MOD 07d

       The AAD and AAM opcode variants have been found in Future
       Domain SCSI controller ROMS.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson