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       This instruction regularly performs the following action:
       - unpacked BCD in AX      example (AX = 0104h)
       - AL = AH * 10d + AL          (AL = 0eh )
       - AH = 00             (AH = 00h )

       The normal opcode decodes as follows: d5,0a
       The instruction itself is an instruction plus operand. By
       replacing the second byte with any number in the range 00 -
       ff we can build our own instruction AAD for various number
       systems in those ranges. For example by coding d5,10 we
       achieve an instruction that performs: AL = AH * 16d + AL.

       Note: the variant is not supported on all 80x86-compatible
       CPUs, notably the NEC V-series, because some hard-code the
       divisor at 0Ah

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson