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Int 2F Fn D201  u - Quarterdeck Rpci - Vidram V5.0+ - Installation Check   [V]

   AX = D201h
   BX = 5649h ("VI")
   CX = 4452h ("DR")
   DX = 414dh ("AM")

Return: BX = 4F4Bh ("OK")
   ES:DI -> VIDRAM entry point

Note:  Quarterdeck programs (QEMM/QRAM/VIDRAM/MANIFEST/etc) will search for a
     free AH value from D2h through FFh, then C0h through D1h

See Also: AX=D200h

Call VIDRAM entry point with:
   AH = 00h get status

       Return: AL = VIDRAM state (see below)
           BL = extra RAM status
               00h VIDRAM does not use extra RAM
               01h VIDRAM uses EMS as extra RAM
               02h VIDRAM uses EGA as extra RAM
           BH = feature flags
               bit 0: override enabled
               bit 1: mapped memory detected in A000h-B000h range
               bit 2: top of memory not at 640K
               bit 3: MDA detected
               bit 4: high RAM exists in video area
               bit 5: mapped memory detected in video area
               bits 6-7: reserved???
           CL = current monitor (01h = mono, 80h = color)
           SI = current top of memory (paragraph)
           DI = segment of start of HiRAM chain
   AH = 01h setup
       AL = VIDRAM state (00h off, 01h no EGA graphics, 02h no graph)
       BL = extra RAM status (see above)
       BH = feature flags (see above)
       CL = monitor (01h = monochrome, 80h = color)
       SI = new top of memory (paragraph)
       DI = segment of start of HiRAM chain
   AH = 02h get end address of VIDRAM code

       Return: ES:DI -> VIDRAM partial map context (see below)

Return: CF set on error
   CF clear if successful

Format of partial map context (EMS 3.2):
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    EMS version ID (32h)
 01h   WORD    EMM handle for this entry
 03h   BYTE    number of frames
 04h   BYTE    first page frame
 05h   WORD    offset from ES to previously saved map

Format of partial map context (EMS 4.0):
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    EMS version ID (40h)
 01h   WORD    mappable segment count
 03h  N WORD   mappable segments
   WORD    offset to previously saved map???

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