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Int 2F Fn D201  - Quarterdeck Rpci - QEMM V5.0+ - Installation Check       [m]

   AX = D201h
   BX = 5145h ("QE")
   CX = 4D4Dh ("MM")
   DX = 3432h ("42")

Return: BX = 4F4Bh ("OK")
   ES:DI -> QEMM API entry point (see INT 67/AH=3Fh)

Notes: Quarterdeck programs (QEMM/QRAM/VIDRAM/MANIFEST/etc) will search for a
     free AH value from D2h through FFh, then C0h through D1h
   this call is not available under QEMM v6.00 unless Windows3 support
     has been disabled with the NW3 switch to QEMM386.SYS

See Also: AX=D200h,AX=D201h/BX=4849h,INT 67/AH=3Fh

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