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0481   r/w DMA channel 2 address byte 3 (high)

0482    r/w     DMA channel 3 address byte 3 (high)
0483   r/w DMA channel 1 address byte 3 (high)
0487   r/w DMA channel 0 address byte 3 (high)
0489   r/w DMA channel 6 address byte 3 (high)
048A   r/w DMA channel 7 address byte 3 (high)
048B   r/w DMA channel 5 address byte 3 (high)

04C6   r/w DMA channel 5 word count byte 2 (high)
04CA   r/w DMA channel 6 word count byte 2 (high)
04CE   r/w DMA channel 7 word count byte 2 (high)

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson