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Int 2F  - Cirisoft Spanish University Of Valladolid Tsr's Interface        [t]

   AH = xx (dynamically assigned based upon a search for a multiplex
        number from C0h to FFh which doesn't answer installed)
   AL = 00h installation check
   ES:DI = 1492h:1992h

Return: AL = 00h not installed
        01h not installed, not OK to install
        FFh installed; and if ES:DI was 1492h:1992h on entry, ES:DI will
        point to author_name_ver table (see below)
   AH = FFh

Note:  this interface permits advanced communication with TSRs: it is possible
     to make a generic uninstall utility, advanced TSR relocator programs
     in order to fit fragmented memory areas, etc.
See also: INT 2D"AMIS",INT 2F"Compuscience"
Index: installation check;CiriSOFT TSR interface
Index: uninstall;CiriSOFT TSR interface

Format of author_name_ver table:
Offset Size    Description
 -16   WORD    segment of the start of the resident TSR code (CS in programs
       with PSP, XMS upper memory segment if installed as UMB...)
 -14   WORD    offset of the start of the resident TSR code (frequently 100h
       in *.COM programs and 0 in upper memory TSR's).
 -12   WORD    memory used by TSR (in paragraphs). Knowing the memory area
       used by TSR is possible to determine if hooked vectors are
       still pointing it (and if it is safe to uninstall).
 -10   BYTE    characteristics byte
       bits 0-2: 000 normal program (with PSP)
             001 upper XMS memory block (needed HIMEM.SYS function
                 to free memory when uninstalling)
             010 device driver (*.SYS)
             011 device driver in EXE format
             1xx others (reserved)
       bits 3-6 reserved
       bit 7 set if extra_table defined and supported
 -9    BYTE    number of multiplex entry used (redefinition available). Note
       that the TSR must use THIS variable in it's INT 2Fh handler.
 -8    WORD    offset to vector_area table (see below)
 -6    WORD    offset to extra_area table (see bit 7 in offset -10 and below)
 -4   4 BYTEs  signature string "*##*"
 00h   var "AUTHOR:PROGRAM_NAME:VERSION",0  (variable length, this area
       is used in order to determine if the TSR is already resident
       and it's version code; the ':' char is used as delimiter)

Format of vector_area table:
Offset Size    Description
 -1    BYTE    number of vectors intercepted by TSR
 00h   BYTE    first vector number
 01h   DWORD   first vector pointer before installing the TSR
 05h   BYTE    second vector number
 06h   DWORD   second vector pointer before installing the TSR
 0Ah   ... (and so on)

Note:  the TSR must use these variables to invoke the previous interrupt
     handler routines

Format of extra_area table (needed only to improve relocation feature):
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    offset to external_ctrl table (0 if not supported)
 02h   WORD    reserved for future use (0)

Format of external_ctrl table:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    bit 0: TSR is relocatable (no absolute segment references)
 01h   WORD    offset to a variable which can activate/inhibit the TSR
 ---And if bit 0 in offset 00h is off:
 03h   DWORD   pointer to ASCIZ pathname for executable file which supports
       /SR parameter (silent installation & inhibit)
 07h   DWORD   pointer to first variable to initialize on the copy reloaded
       from the previous TSR still resident
 0Bh   DWORD   pointer to last variable (all variables packed in one block)

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