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Int 2F  - Ross Wentworth's Turbo Pascal Popup Library                      [t]

   AH = programmer-selected multiplex number
   AL = function
       00h installation check

       Return: AL = FFh if installed
       01h get TSR interrupt vectors

       Return: DX:AX -> vector table (see below)
       02h get TSR code segment

       Return: AX = code segment for all interrupt handlers
       03h call user exit routine and release TSR's memory
       04h get signature string

       Return: DX:AX -> counted string containing signature
       05h get TSR's INT 2F handler

       Return: DX:AX -> INT 2F handler
       06h enable/disable TSR
       BL = new state (00h disabled, 01h enabled)
       07h activate TSR (popup if not disabled)
       08h get hotkeys
       BL = which hotkey (00h = hotkey 1, 01h = hotkey 2)

       Return: AX = hotkey (AH = keyflags, AL = scancode)
       09h set hotkey
       BL = which hotkey (00h = hotkey 1, 01h = hotkey 2)
       CX = new hotkey (CH = keyflags, CL = scancode)
       0Ah-1Fh reserved
Index: installation check;Ross Wentworth POPUP library
Index: hotkeys;Ross Wentworth POPUP library

Format of vector table entry:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    vector number (00h = end of table)
 01h   DWORD   original vector
 05h   WORD    offset of interrupt handler in TSR's code segment

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