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Int 21 Fn 4402  U - Qualitas 386max V6.00+ - Ioctl Input - Get State       [m]

   AX = 4402h
   BX = file handle for device "386MAX$$"
   CX = number of bytes to read
   DS:DX -> BYTE 03h followed by 386MAX state buffer (see below)

Return: CF clear if successful
       buffer at DS:DX+1 filled
       AX = number of bytes actually copied
   CF set on error
       AX = error code (01h,05h,06h,0Dh) (see AH=59h)

Notes: if the value given in CX is less than the size of the state record
     (5Ah for v6.01, 66h for v7.00), only a partial state record will be
   the state is 40h bytes for 386MAX (actually ASTEMM) v2.20 ("386MAX$$"
     did not exist yet, use "QMMXXXX0" and then "EMMXXXX0" instead) and
     56h bytes for v5.11.
   to invoke 386MAX API functions, push DX onto the stack, load DX with
     the word at offset 25h in the returned state, load all other
     registers as needed for the desired function, and execute an
     OUT DX,AL or OUT DX,AX; DX will be set to the pushed value on return
     if it is not otherwise modified by the API function.  For safety,
     in case a function is not supported or 386MAX is not present, SP
     should be saved and restored around the API call.
   Windows 3.1 Standard mode, LAN Manager, and Windows for Workgroups all
     use the 386MAX API; LAN Manager and Windows for Workgroups reportedly
     make some calls incorrectly

See Also: AX=4403h/SF=03h"386MAX",INT 67/AH=3Fh

Format of 386MAX v6.01+ state:
Offset Size    Description
 -1    BYTE    (call) 03h
 00h  6 BYTEs  signature "386MAX"
 06h  4 BYTEs  version string "N;NN" (i.e. "6;01" for v6.01)
 0Ah   WORD    segment of low-memory portion of 386MAX.SYS
 0Ch  2 BYTEs  ???
 0Eh   WORD    segment of ??? memory block or 0000h
 10h   WORD    bit flags 1 (see below)
 12h   WORD    (v6.01) starting address of video memory in KB
       (v7.00) low memory size in bytes
 14h  2 BYTEs  ???
 16h   WORD    total high DOS memory in KB
 18h  2 BYTEs  ???
 1Ah   WORD    available shared memory in KB
 1Ch   WORD    KBytes extended memory used by 386MAX
 1Eh  2 BYTEs  ???
 20h   WORD    total extended memory in KB
 22h   WORD    IO port to write (OUT DX,AL) to invoke 386MAX INT 15 functions
 24h   WORD    IO port to write (OUT DX,AL) to invoke 386MAX API functions
 26h   WORD    ??? (depends on DOS version)
 28h  2 BYTEs  ???
 2Ah   DWORD   machine type (see below)
 2Eh   WORD    ???
 30h   WORD    ???
 32h   WORD    system configuration flags (see below)
 34h   WORD    debugging flags 1 (see below)
 36h   WORD    debugging flags 2 (see below)
 38h  2 BYTEs  ???
 3Ah   WORD    segment of first MCB in high memory chain???
 3Ch   WORD    feature flags 1 (see below)
 3Eh   WORD    feature flags 2 (see below)
 40h   WORD    feature flags 3 (see below)
 42h   WORD    segment of first 386MAX control block??? (see below)
 44h   WORD    amount of memory to report available on INT 15/AH=88h
 46h  4 BYTEs  ???
 4Ah   WORD    number of K at start of address space swapped with fast
       extended memory (SWAP= parameter)
 4Ch  2 BYTEs  ???
 4Eh   WORD    ???
 50h   WORD    debugging flags 3 (see below)
 52h   DWORD   old INT 21h
 56h   DWORD   pointer to 386MAX's EMS (INT 67h) handler
---386MAX v7.00---
 5Ah   DWORD   KB of extended memory managed by 386MAX
 5Eh   DWORD   bytes of extended memory (EXT= parameter)
 62h  4 BYTEs  ???

Bitfields for bit flags 1:
 bit 1 ???
 bit 2 ???
 bit 3 ??? (cleared by calling INT 67 functions)
 bit 4 high RAM present???
 bit 5 386MAX in AUTO mode
 bit 6 386MAX enabled
 bit 7 386MAX is providing EMS services
 bit 8 ???
 bit 9 A20 enabled??? (see INT 15/AX=2402h)
 bit 10    Weitek support enabled
 bit 11    ???
 bit 12    ???
 bit 13    QPMS has been used
 bit 14    ???
 bit 15    ???

Bitfields for system configuration flags:
 bit 1 ROM compressed???
 bit 3 ???
 bit 5 386MAX loaded into high memory
 bit 6 Microchannel bus
 bit 7 Weitek math coprocessor detected
 bit 11    PC/XT (thus only single 8259 interrupt controller present, DMA only
       in 1st megabyte, etc)
 bit 13    LMLTOP= specified
 bit 15    ???

Bitfields for debugging flags 1:
 bit 0 DEBUG=LED
 bit 1 DEBUG=X67
 bit 2 DEBUG=INV
 bit 4 DEBUG=JMP
 bit 6 DEBUG=HLT
 bit 7 DEBUG=PMR
 bit 8 DEBUG=CR3
 bit 10    DEBUG=RC
 bit 11    DEBUG=ROM
 bit 12    DEBUG=XM
 bit 13    DEBUG=SOR
 bit 14    DEBUG=XR
 bit 15    DEBUG=EMSERR

Bitfields for debugging flags 2:
 bit 5 DEBUG=VMS
 bit 6 DEBUG=XMS
 bit 7 DEBUG=I06
 bit 10    DEBUG=X09
 bit 13    DEBUG=I67
 bit 14    DEBUG=EVM

Bitfields for debugging flags 3:
 bit 10    DEBUG=EPM
 bit 12    DEBUG=ABIOS
 bit 13    DEBUG=XMSPTED
 bit 14    DEBUG=TIME
 bit 15    DEBUG=SCRUB

Bitfields for feature flags 1:
 bit 1 Weitek present
 bit 2 no DPMI services
 bit 3 NODMA
 bit 4 TERSE
 bit 5 NOROM
 bit 11    don't create UMBs
 bit 12    don't backfill below video memory (NOLOW)
 bit 13    FRAME= specified
 bit 14    EXT= specified
 bit 15    NOEMS, allow prior expanded memory manager to provide EMS

Bitfields for feature flags 2:
 bit 0 UNSHIFT specified (FORCEA20 disabled)
 bit 1 NOXRAM
 bit 2 NOSCSI specified
 bit 3 SCREEN specified
 bit 4 enabled EISADMA
 bit 5 slow DMA
 bit 6 RESETKEYB specified
 bit 7 ???
 bit 9 TOP384
 bit 11    NOWARMBOOT
 bit 12    USE= specified
 bit 13    ROM= specified

Bitfields for feature flags 3:
 bit 0 Windows3 support enabled
 bit 2 don't compress ROM (NOCOMPROM)
 bit 3 ??? (related to PRGREG=)
 bit 4 ??? (related to PRGREG=)
 bit 6 DOS4 specified
 bit 8 NOPULSE
 bit 11    FORCEA20
 bit 12    DMA buffer enabled
 bit 13 NOSCRUB
 bit 15    NOFRAME

Bitfields for machine type:
 bit 12 Amstrad
 bit 13 Epson
 bit 14 Zenith Data Systems
 bit 15    "ASEM"
 bit 16 NEC
 bit 17    "HPRS" model codes 69h and 6Ah
 bit 18 Dell
 bit 19    "CA"
 bit 20    ITT (Xtra Business Systems/Alcatel)
 bit 21    Toshiba 5100
 bit 22    Olivetti
 bit 23    Quadram Quad386 (BIOS model FEh, submodel A6h)
 bit 24    Tandy???
 bit 25    AST 386
 bit 26    INBOARD, ??? version
 bit 27    INBOARD, ??? version
 bit 28    INBOARD, ??? version
 bit 29    "HPRS"
 bit 30    Compaq 386
 bit 31    JET386

Format of 386MAX control block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    segment of next block (FFFFh if last)
 02h   WORD    segment of previous block (FFFFh if first)
 04h 12 BYTEs  filename
 10h   WORD    resident size in paragraphs
 12h   WORD    environment size???
 14h   WORD    real prsent environment size + 1 (0000h if ENVSAVE used)
 16h  2 BYTEs  ???
 18h   DWORD   initial size or SIZE=n in 386LOAD commandline
 1Ch   DWORD   SIZE=-1 ???
 20h   DWORD   SIZE= ???
 24h   BYTE    PRGREG= if specified, else FFh
 25h   BYTE    ENVREG= if specified, else FFh
 26h   BYTE    FlexFrame (00h not present, 01h present)
 27h  3 BYTEs  ???
 2Ah   BYTE    GROUP= or 00h if not present
 2Bh   BYTE    ???
 2Ch   WORD    PSP

Format of high memory info record:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    segment address of memory region
 02h   WORD    size of memory region in paragraphs
 04h   BYTE    type or flags???
       00h if locked out
       02h if EMS page frame
       04h if high RAM
       42h if ROM
 05h   BYTE    ???

Format of ROM shadowing record:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    segment of ROM???
 02h   WORD    segment of ROM???
 04h  2 BYTEs  ???
 06h   WORD    size of shadowed ROM in paragraphs
 08h  4 BYTEs  ???

Values for memory type:
 00h   unused by EMS
 01h   DOS
 04h   page frame overlapping ROM???
 80h   high memory
 84h   page frame???
 87h   video ROM???

Note:  the type may be 00h (unused) if the 16K page is split among different
     uses (such as ROM and high RAM)

Call 386MAX API (via OUT DX,AL) with:
   STACK: WORD value for DX
   AH = 01h get high memory information
       ES:DI -> buffer for array of high memory info records
           (see above)

       Return: CX = number of records placed in buffer
   AH = 02h get shadowed ROM info???
       ES:DI -> buffer for array of ROM shadowing records (see above)

       Return: CX = number of records placed in buffer
   AH = 03h get 386MAX state
       ES:DI -> 90-byte buffer for state (see above)

       Return: AH = 00h (successful)
           buffer filled

       Note:   unlike INT 21/AX=4402h"386MAX", this function omits
             the first byte specifying the state buffer version
   AH = 04h get memory types???
       ES:DI -> buffer for memory type info (array of bytes, one per
           16K page) (see above)

       Return: CX = number of bytes placed in buffer
   AH = 05h get ???
       AL = A20 control (00h enable A20 first, 01h leave unchanged)
       CX = number of 4K pages to report (0000h for default)
       SI = first K to report (rounded down to 4K page)
       ES:DI -> buffer for returned info on ???

       Return: CX = number of 4K pages reported on
   AH = 06h get memory speed info
       ES:DI -> buffer for memory speed records (see below)

       Return: AH = 00h (successful)
           CX = number of bytes placed in buffer

       Note:   this function can take over a second to execute
   AH = 07h ???
       DX = EMS handle (on stack)

       Return: ???
   AH = 08h "EMM2_GOREAL" check whether possible to disable 386MAX
       AL = ??? (00h or nonzero)

       Return: AH = status (00h OK, A4h not possible at this time)

       Note:   if AL=00h, this function always returns success
   AH = 09h toggle Bit Flags 1 flags
       BX = bitmask of bit flags 1's flags to toggle (see above)

       Return: AH = 00h (successful)

       Note:   enables A20 first
   AH = 0Ah toggle system configuration flags
       BX = bitmask of system configuration flags to toggle
             (see above)

       Return: AH = 00h (successful)

       Notes:  enabled A20 first
           does ??? if bit 3 on after specified bits are toggled
   AH = 0Bh toggle debugging flags 1
       BX = bitmask of debugging flags 1's bits to toggle (see above)

       Return: AH = 00h (successful)

       Note:   enables A20 first
   AH = 0Ch toggle feature flags 3
       BX = bitmask of feature flags 3's bits to toggle (see above)

       Return: AH = 00h (successful)

       Note:   enables A20 first
   AH = 0Dh specify 386MAX high-memory location
       BX = segment address of high-memory real-mode portion of 386MAX
       CX = current segment of real-mode stub???

       Return: AH = status (00h successful)
   AH = 0Eh CRT controller register virtualization
       AL = subfunction
           00h allow access to CRTC I/O ports 03B4h/03B5h, 03D4h/03D5h
           01h trap accesses to CRTC I/O ports
   AH = 0Fh reboot system

       Return: never
   AH = 11h get high memory information
       ES:DI -> 96-byte buffer for high memory info

       Return: AH = 00h (successful)
           ES:DI buffer filled

       Notes:  each byte in buffer contains bit flags for a 4K page in
             the A000h-FFFFh region
               bit 0: ???
               bit 1: physical address same as linear address
               bit 2: EMS page frame
               bit 6: ???
           this function can take over a second to execute,
             because it also tests the memory
   AH = 12h ???
       AL = subfunction
           00h ???
           01h ???

       Return: AH = 00h (successful) if AL=00h or 01h
           AH = 8Fh otherwise
   AH = 13h page protection???
       AL = subfunction
           00h set all ??? 4K pages to read-only???

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