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Int 21 Fn 4402  - Advanced Scsi Programming Interface (aspi) - Interface   [d]

   AX = 4402h
   BX = file handle for device "SCSIMGR$"
   CX = 0004h
   DS:DX -> buffer for function address

Return: CF clear if successful
       AX = 0004h
   CF set on error
       AX = error code (01h,05h,06h,0Dh) (see AH=59h)

Note:  the function address is called with the address of a SCSI Request
     Block on the stack and the caller must clean up the stack

See Also: AX=440Ch"ASPITAPE",INT 11/AH=FFh"WD7000"

Format of SCSI Request Block (64 bytes):
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    request number
       00h "HA_INQ"     host adapter inquiry
       01h "GET_TYPE"   get device type
       02h "EXEC_SIO"   execute SCSI I/O
       03h "ABORT_SRB"  abort SRB
       04h "RESET_DEV"  reset SCSI device
       05h "SET_HAPRMS" set host adapter parameters
 01h   BYTE    request status
       00h not done yet
       02h aborted
       04h SCSI I/O error
       80h invalid
       81h no adapter
       82h no device attached
       else status
 02h   BYTE    host adapter ID
 03h   BYTE    request flags
       bit 3: ???
 04h   DWORD   reserved
---request 00h---
 08h   BYTE    (returned) number of host adapters
 09h   BYTE    (returned) target adapter ID
 0Ah 16 BYTEs  (returned) manager ID
 1Ah 16 BYTEs  (returned) adapter ID
 2Ah 16 BYTEs  (returned) parameters
---request 01h---
 08h   BYTE    target ID
 09h   BYTE    logical unit number
 0Ah   BYTE    (returned) device type
       01h streamer
---request 02h---
 08h   BYTE    target ID
 09h   BYTE    logical unit number
 0Ah   DWORD   data allocation length
 0Eh   BYTE    sense allocation length
 0Fh   DWORD   data buffer pointer
 13h   DWORD   next request pointer (for linking)
 17h   BYTE    CDB length
 18h   BYTE    (returned) host adapter status
       11h select timeout
       12h data overrun
       13h bus error
       14h bus failure
 19h   BYTE    (returned) target status
       02h sense data stored in SRB
       08h target busy
       18h reservation error
 1Ah   DWORD   post routine address
 1Eh   WORD    real mode Post DS
 20h   DWORD   SRB pointer
 24h   WORD    reserved
 26h   DWORD   SRB physical address
 2Ah 22 BYTEs  SCSIMGR$ workspace
 40h  N BYTEs  CCB (20-24 bytes)
---request 04h---
 08h   BYTE    target ID
 09h   BYTE    logical unit number
 0Ah 14 BYTEs  reserved
 18h   BYTE    (returned) host adapter status (see above)
 19h   BYTE    (returned) target status (see above)
 1Ah   DWORD   post routine address
 1Eh 34 BYTEs  workspace

Format of CCB:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    command code
       01h rewind
       05h get block size limits
       08h read
       0Ah write
       10h write file marks
       11h SCSI Space (set position?)
       12h SCSI Inquire
       19h erase
       1Bh load/unload media
 01h   BYTE    flags
       bits 4-0: vary by function
       bits 7-5: logical unit number
 02h   BYTE    "adr_1"
 03h   BYTE    "adr_0"
 04h   BYTE    length
 05h   BYTE    control
 06h/0Ah 14 BYTEs buffer for sense data

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