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Format of User Palette Profile Table [VGA only]

Offset  Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    Underlining: 01h=enable in all alphanumeric modes
                00h=enable in monochrome alphanumeric modes only
                FFh=disable in all alphanumeric modes
 01h   BYTE    reserved
 02h   WORD    reserved
 04h   WORD    Number (0-17) of Attribute Controller registers in table
 06h   WORD    Index (0-16) of first Attribute Controller register in table
 08h   DWORD   ptr to table of Attribute Controller registers to override
           Table is an array of BYTEs.
 0Ch   WORD    Number (0-256) of video DAC Color registers in table
 0Eh   WORD    Index (0-255) of first video DAC Color register in table
 10h   DWORD   ptr to table of video DAC Color registers to override
           Table is ??? triplets ??? of BYTEs???
 14h   BYTEs   array of mode values to which this profile is to pertain

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson