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Format of Display Combination Code Table [VGA only]

Offset  Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    Number of entries in the DCC table at offset 04h
 01h   BYTE    Version number
 02h   BYTE    Maximum display type code that can appear in DCC table
 03h   BYTE    reserved
 04h   ARRAY OF 2 BYTEs Each pair of bytes gives a valid display combination
           Meaning of each byte:
           00h no display
           01h MDA with mono display
           02h CGA with color display
           03h reserved
           04h EGA with color display
           05h EGA with mono display
           06h Professional Graphics Controller
           07h VGA with mono display
           08h VGA with color display
           09h reserved
           0Ah MCGA with digital color display
           0Bh MCGA with analog mono display
           0Ch MCGA with analog color display
           FFh unrecognised video system

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