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Overview              Overview of limsim options

LIMSIM translate 80286/80386 extended memory to expanded memory (EMS).
LIMSIM.EXE can be used as a device driver in CONFIG.SYS or as a Executable
in AUTOEXEC.BAT and at the DOS prompt.

Usage in CONFIG.SYS:

device=limsim.exe [NEAT] [EMSsize] [*] [ROM] [HIDOS=begin-end] [HIMEM]
                  [REAL] [TSIZE=size] [EMS] [PORT=port] [FRAME=frame]
                  [FRAME=PARAGRAPH] [INTEL] [T3200] [DV] [version]
                  [BIAS] [DEBUG] [ERROR] [EXCLUDE] [HANDLES] [HIGH_IO]
                  [INCLUDE] [INT 15] [LOADALL] [LOCK_V86] [MAPROM]
                  [NOID] [NOLOW] [NOWIN] [PMODE] [QUIET] [RAM] [T1200]
                  [T1600] [T3100E] [T5100] [V86] [WCTLMAP] [WINDOWS]

Usage at DOS prompt and in AUTOEXEC.BAT:

limsim [MAP] [LOADHI c:\mypath\myprog.ext]

[ and ] means the the parametre is optional. Some parametres must be used
together, and some parametres can't be used together.

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