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Overview              Overview of limsim options
*                     Claim unused memory
3.2                   Version of EMM
BIAS                  ???
DEBUG                 Debug the EMS driver
DV                    Use with Desqview
EMS                   Allows extra EMS-pages
EMSsize               Amount of EMS memory
ERROR                 ???
EXCLUDE               ???
FRAME                 Set EMS Page frame
HANDLES               Number of EMS handles
HIDOS                 Allows executing of programs in DOS high memory
HIGH_IO               ???
HIMEM                 HIMEM driver
INCLUDE               ???
INT 15                ???
INTEL                 Use Intel hardware
LOADALL               ???
LOADHI                Loading of DOS programs in HIDOS
LOCK_V86              ???
MAP                   Memory usage
MAPROM                ???
NEAT                  Use NEAT features
NOID                  No name
NOLOW                 ???
NOWIN                 No MS-Windows
PMODE                 ???
PORT                  ???
QUIET                 Quiet
RAM                   ???
REAL                  Fast paging on a 386
ROM                   Copies ROM to RAM
T1200                 Use T1200 hardware
T1600                 Use T1600 hardware
T3100E                Use T3100E hardware
T3200                 Use T3200 hardware
T5100                 Use T5100 hardware
TSIZE                 Size of pages
V86                   ???
WCTLMAP               ???
WINDOWS               ???

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson