
 Send an ARexx command to an Application (DICE)

 #include <lib/rexx.h>
 rc = PlaceRexxCommandDirect(port, apport,str, &res, &ec);
 struct MsgPort *port;
 char *apport;
 char *str;
 char *res;
 long ec;

 PlaceRexxCommandDirect sends an ARexx command to a specification
 application (compare to PlaceRexxCommand which talks to ARexx
 directly). The command is normally a script file to run.  You must
 specify the ARexx port that is to act as the default host port for
 the command or NULL to use DICE's default port. The default extension
 for the script is always the RexxHostName variable.  Note that if you
 specify NULL for the port to use DICE's default, then you must have
 previously setup DICE's default port.  This occurs automatically if
 RexxHostName was declared non-NULL, or manually if you had called
 Create[Global]DiceRexxPort(NULL, "name").

 You supply the command in str which is made Arg0.  Currently there is
 no support for additional arguments.  DICE will run the command
 synchronously and return the result code.

 The result string pointer will be set to either NULL or a malloc()'d
 string.    If you wish to ignore any result you may pass NULL for
 this argument.

 || NOTE: If you do not pass NULL, you are responsible for free()ing
 || the result string when you are through with it!

 The ec longword will be set to an internal ARexx error code... if the
 returned result code is non-zero and ec == 1 then ARexx was unable to
 find the specified ARexx command.  You may pass NULL for this
 argument if you do not care about the error code.

 It is possible that your program will receive ARexx commands while it
 is waiting for the command you have sent to be returned.  DICE will
 automatically call DoRexxCommand() from within the PlaceRexxCommand()
 routine when this case occurs.

 ARexx will set the error-code ec, which is different from the
 result-code.  ec is set to 1 if the script could not be found. ARexx
 normally returns a severity code of 5 for this case.  If the return
 code is 0 then ec will be 0.

 struct MsgPort *port;
             Message port for processing.  Typically you pass
             NULL to use the default port.

 char *apport;       Name of application to send commands to.

 char *str;      String to be passed to ARexx for execution

 char **res;     Pointer to place to store result string from
             ARexx.  NULL indicates no result is desired.

 long *ec;       Pointer to place to store error code from ARexx.
             Set to 1 for script not found.  NULL indicates no
             result code desired.

 int rc;         Return code from ARexx