CLIB/Amiga Documentaion

    Contents: DICE/ANSI/Amiga Functions

    Amiga Memory Routines
     x.a - autoint terminating tags
     rega4 - return register A4 contents

    Startup / Stutdown Functions
      c.a - DICE startup module
     chkabort - ^C control
      exit - standard program exit
      _exit - exit without relasing resourses
      _main - bypass standard c.lib initialization
      main - standard entry point
      wbmain - workbench entry point
      onbreak - spesific ^C control
      stack_abort - stack allocation failed

    Amiga Maths Routines (not useable in C !)
      _mods - signed long modulus
      _modu - un-signed long modulus
      _muls - signed long multiply
      _mulu - un-signed long multiply
      _divs - signed long devide
      _divu - un-signed long devide

    Internal DICE Functions
      exec_dcc - Internal DICE Function (DO NOT USE !)
      _ExecSeg - Internal DICE Function (DO NOT USE !)
      _SearchPath - Internal DICE Function (DO NOT USE !)
      _SearchResident - Internal DICE Function (DO NOT USE !)
    ARexx Functions
       CreateDiceRexxPort - Create an application ARexx port
       CreateGobalDiceRexxPort - Create a global ARexx port
       DeleteDiceRexxPort - Delete a DICE ARexx port
       DoRexxCommand - Parse an incomming ARexx command
       GetDiceRexxPortSlot - Determine an application ARexx slot
       PlaceRexxCommand - Send a command to ARexx
       PlaceRexxCommandDirect - Send an ARexx command to an application
       ProcessRexxCommands - Handle incomming ARexx commands

Converted using GuideML V1.6, a converter written by Richard Körber <>