What's New GIF

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Amazing Memory Offers

8Mb 72pin 60ns - �54.95

16Mb 72pin 60ns - �94.95

HiSoft have some great value prices for 8Mb and 16Mb simms. All memory is new, 72pin, 60ns, and non-parity. Memory is compatible with all A1200/A4000 memory expansions/accelerator boards, except GVP. If you would like to take advantage of these offers, email or phone HiSoft on 0500 223660 (Freephone UK only) or +44 1525 718181.
15 July 96 New Gif SMD-100 The SCSI VideoCD and MPEG decoder added to the web pages click to check out the SMD-100
5 August 96 New Gif IBrowse released.
8 August 96 New Gif TermiteTCP released.
12 August 96 New Gif TermiteTCP and IBrowse released as a bundle for just �69.95.

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