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/ Commodore Disc 56 / Commodore_Disc_56_19xx_-_de.d64

Jump To: Image (1)  |  Document (8)  |  Text (8)  |  Other (25)

Images (1)

Document (8)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
cp-load.64 Commodore BASIC 671b 2022-10-26
disclader64_128 Commodore BASIC 2KB 2022-10-26
dv Commodore BASIC 307b 2022-10-26
dv-info Commodore BASIC 320b 2022-10-26
editor Commodore BASIC 307b 2022-10-26
liedhelfer Commodore BASIC 307b 2022-10-26
musikcreator Commodore BASIC 2KB 2022-10-26
zell-demo Commodore BASIC 142b 2022-10-26

Text (8)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
bestenliste Text File 41 740b 2022-10-26
dv.txt Text File 205 10KB 2022-10-26
proglist Text File 4 73b 2022-10-26
progmask Text File 8 139b 2022-10-26
programme Text File 393 3KB 2022-10-26
progsavelist Text File 9 105b 2022-10-26
saveliste Text File 25 140b 2022-10-26
zell Text File 12 266b 2022-10-26

Other Files (25)
_dv.exe Unknown 9KB 2022-10-26
_ed.exe Unknown 5KB 2022-10-26
_lh.exe Unknown 10KB 2022-10-26
- the dater ii - Unknown 12KB 2022-10-26
0 - the dater 2 Unknown 2KB 2022-10-26
1 - the dater 2 Unknown 4KB 2022-10-26
2 - the dater 2 Unknown 4KB 2022-10-26
3 - the dater 2 Unknown 3KB 2022-10-26
4 - the dater 2 Unknown 4KB 2022-10-26
5 - the dater 2 Unknown 4KB 2022-10-26
6 - the dater 2 Unknown 8KB 2022-10-26
amazon Unknown 31KB 2022-10-26
boot.64 Unknown 148b 2022-10-26
cp-load.128 Unknown 877b 2022-10-26
cpv1.1mc Unknown 2KB 2022-10-26
cpv1.1mc_c128 Unknown 2KB 2022-10-26
edit128.mc Unknown 1KB 2022-10-26
editor.mc Unknown 1KB 2022-10-26
m_zell Unknown 524b 2022-10-26
patience 128 Unknown 6KB 2022-10-26
switch Unknown 251b 2022-10-26
syscon128 Unknown 18b 2022-10-26
syscon64 Unknown 18b 2022-10-26
the dater 2 info Unknown 10KB 2022-10-26
zell.mus Unknown 890b 2022-10-26