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/ The Best of Select: Games Special 10 / SPSP10.ISO / kids / spellbou

Jump To: Archive (6)  |  Image (4)  |  Audio (98)  |  Font (1)  |  Text (7)  |  Other (42)

Archives (6)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
demo.lib Genus Graphics Library Compressed Archive 10 146KB 1994-06-13
edi3d.bin Eschalon Setup ARCV Container 11KB 1994-06-07
front.lib Genus Graphics Library Compressed Archive 59 594KB 1994-06-13
intro.gxl Genus Graphics Library Compressed Archive 9 147KB 1994-06-13
level1.lib Genus Graphics Library Compressed Archive 10 153KB 1994-06-13
panel.lib Genus Graphics Library Compressed Archive 16 169KB 1994-06-13

Images (4)

Audio & Music (98)
a.voc Creative Voice 0.06s 6KB 1994-06-13
b.voc Creative Voice 0.06s 6KB 1994-06-13
bigexp.voc Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-06-13
boing.voc Creative Voice 0.08s 4KB 1994-06-13
bosback6.pcx Creative Music Format 5m 4KB 1994-06-13
bullnorm.voc Creative Voice 0.03s 2KB 1994-06-13
bullspac.voc Creative Voice 0.04s 3KB 1994-06-13
bullwatr.voc Creative Voice 0.04s 3KB 1994-06-13
c.voc Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-06-13
click.voc Creative Voice 0.02s 492b 1994-06-13
creak.voc Creative Voice 1s 12KB 1994-06-13
cscr.voc Creative Voice 10s 120KB 1994-06-13
csec.voc Creative Voice 5s 59KB 1994-06-13
d.voc Creative Voice 0.08s 7KB 1994-06-13
e.voc Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-06-13
f.voc Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-06-13
foot1.voc Creative Voice 0.04s 5KB 1994-06-13
g.voc Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-06-13
h.voc Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-06-13
hal1.voc Creative Voice 2s 29KB 1994-06-13
howl1.voc Creative Voice 2s 22KB 1994-06-13
howl2.voc Creative Voice 3s 30KB 1994-06-13
i.voc Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-06-13
j.voc Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-06-13
k.voc Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-06-13
l.voc Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-06-13
lander.pcc Extended MIDI 18s 552b 1994-06-13
lander.pcx Extended MIDI 26s 2KB 1994-06-13
lock.voc Creative Voice 1s 6KB 1994-06-13
m.voc Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-06-13
method.voc Creative Voice 13s 144KB 1994-06-13
n.voc Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-06-13
o.voc Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-06-13
oing.voc Creative Voice 1s 19KB 1994-06-13
p.voc Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-06-13
panel.pcc Extended MIDI 33s 484b 1994-06-13
panel.pcx Extended MIDI 34s 898b 1994-06-13
prof1.voc Creative Voice 1s 14KB 1994-06-13
prof2.voc Creative Voice 1s 18KB 1994-06-13
prof3.voc Creative Voice 2s 27KB 1994-06-13
prof4.voc Creative Voice 3s 42KB 1994-06-13
profp1.voc Creative Voice 1s 12KB 1994-06-13
profp2.voc Creative Voice 1s 11KB 1994-06-13
profp3.voc Creative Voice 1s 13KB 1994-06-13
profp4.voc Creative Voice 1s 10KB 1994-06-13
profp5.voc Creative Voice 0.09s 8KB 1994-06-13
profp6.voc Creative Voice 1s 11KB 1994-06-13
profp7.voc Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-06-13
profp8.voc Creative Voice 0.08s 7KB 1994-06-13
profp9.voc Creative Voice 1s 20KB 1994-06-13
profsux.pcc Extended MIDI 31s 678b 1994-06-13
profsux.pcx Extended MIDI 31s 2KB 1994-06-13
q.voc Creative Voice 0.08s 7KB 1994-06-13
r.voc Creative Voice 0.06s 6KB 1994-06-13
s.voc Creative Voice 0.06s 6KB 1994-06-13
sbanim.pcc Extended MIDI 57s 2KB 1994-06-13
sbanim.pcx Extended MIDI 57s 3KB 1994-06-13
sbback1.pcc Extended MIDI 1m20s 2KB 1994-06-13
sbback1.pcx Extended MIDI 2m32s 11KB 1994-06-13
sbback2.pcc Extended MIDI 1m29s 2KB 1994-06-13
sbback2.pcx Extended MIDI 2m13s 10KB 1994-06-13
sbback3.pcc Extended MIDI 59s 1KB 1994-06-13
sbback3.pcx Extended MIDI 2m14s 9KB 1994-06-13
sbback4.pcc Extended MIDI 1m46s 2KB 1994-06-13
sbback4.pcx Extended MIDI 1m50s 5KB 1994-06-13
sbback5.pcc Extended MIDI 2m23s 2KB 1994-06-13
sbback5.pcx Extended MIDI 2m26s 8KB 1994-06-13
sbbludan.pcx Creative Music Format 5m 14KB 1994-06-13
sbfinale.pcc Extended MIDI 19s 344b 1994-06-13
sbfinale.pcx Extended MIDI 31s 2KB 1994-06-13
sbhs.pcc Extended MIDI 33s 484b 1994-06-13
sbhs.pcx Extended MIDI 34s 910b 1994-06-13
sbintro.pcc Extended MIDI 1m19s 1KB 1994-06-13
sbintro.pcx Extended MIDI 1m23s 5KB 1994-06-13
sbword.pcc Extended MIDI 14s 272b 1994-06-13
sbword.pcx Extended MIDI 12s 760b 1994-06-13
slam.voc Creative Voice 0.06s 6KB 1994-06-13
stest.pcc Extended MIDI 8s 216b 1994-06-13
stest.pcx Extended MIDI 8s 382b 1994-06-13
stest.voc Creative Voice 2s 23KB 1994-06-13
t.voc Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-06-13
ta.voc Creative Voice 1s 11KB 1994-06-13
thnt.voc Creative Voice 1s 16KB 1994-06-13
trill.pcc Extended MIDI 5s 330b 1994-06-13
trill.pcx Extended MIDI 5s 334b 1994-06-13
ttw.voc Creative Voice 1s 13KB 1994-06-13
ttw2.voc Creative Voice 1s 12KB 1994-06-13
ttwa.voc Creative Voice 1s 13KB 1994-06-13
tww.voc Creative Voice 1s 14KB 1994-06-13
u.voc Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-06-13
v.voc Creative Voice 0.08s 7KB 1994-06-13
w.voc Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-06-13
weeexp.voc Creative Voice 0.04s 2KB 1994-06-13
welcome.voc Creative Voice 2s 23KB 1994-06-13
welldone.voc Creative Voice 1s 10KB 1994-06-13
x.voc Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-06-13
y.voc Creative Voice 0.06s 6KB 1994-06-13
z.voc Creative Voice 0.08s 7KB 1994-06-13

Fonts (1)
NamePreview NamePreview

GEM Bitmap Font

1994-06-13 (825b)

Text (7)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
go.bat DOS Batch File 5 27b 1997-03-05
guide.txt Text File 69 3KB 1994-06-13
help.txt Text File 2 16KB 1994-06-13
instr.txt Text File 19 493b 1994-10-21
media_ty.pe Text File 2 3b 1994-06-13
sb.bat DOS Batch File 11 222b 1994-06-13
suppl.dat Text File 6 68b 1994-10-02

Other Files (42)
intro.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 142KB 1994-06-13
l1.hsp MS-DOS/Windows Executable 7KB 1994-06-13
readme.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 17KB 1994-06-13
spellbou.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 308KB 1994-06-13
ssetup.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 26KB 1994-06-13
adlib.adv Miles Sound System Driver 15KB 1994-06-13
adlibg.adv Miles Sound System Driver 16KB 1994-06-13
algdig.adv Miles Sound System Driver 6KB 1994-06-13
fruit.lst Borland Overlay 2KB 1994-06-13
pasdig.adv Miles Sound System Driver 4KB 1994-06-13
pasfm.adv Miles Sound System Driver 15KB 1994-06-13
pasopl.adv Miles Sound System Driver 16KB 1994-06-13
pcspkr.adv Miles Sound System Driver 8KB 1994-06-13
sbdig.adv Miles Sound System Driver 5KB 1994-06-13
sbfm.adv Miles Sound System Driver 15KB 1994-06-13
sbp1fm.adv Miles Sound System Driver 15KB 1994-06-13
sbp2fm.adv Miles Sound System Driver 16KB 1994-06-13
sbpdig.adv Miles Sound System Driver 5KB 1994-06-13
animals.lst Unknown 2KB 1994-06-13
computer.lst Unknown 2KB 1994-06-13
general1.lst Unknown 2KB 1994-06-13
general2.lst Unknown 2KB 1994-06-13
general3.lst Unknown 2KB 1994-06-13
l1.glc Unknown 33KB 1994-06-13
l1.pal Unknown 2KB 1994-06-13
l1b2.hsp Unknown 7KB 1994-06-13
l1const.es Unknown 8KB 1994-06-13
l1spr.es Unknown 30KB 1994-06-13
movement.ctl Unknown 648b 1994-06-13
numbers.lst Unknown 2KB 1994-06-13
sample.ad Unknown 4KB 1994-06-13
sample.opl Unknown 4KB 1994-06-13
sc.dat Unknown 47b 1994-10-21
scores.1 Unknown 176b 1994-06-13
scores.2 Unknown 176b 1994-06-13
scores.3 Unknown 176b 1994-06-13
scores.4 Unknown 176b 1994-06-13
scores.5 Unknown 176b 1994-06-13
scores.6 Unknown 176b 1994-06-13
scores.ini Unknown 176b 1994-06-13
small.lst Unknown 2KB 1994-06-13
space.lst Unknown 2KB 1994-06-13