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Jump To: Archive (1)  |  Text (22)  |  Other (30)

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
texte.com PMarc SFX Archive 5 15KB 1991-03-28

Text (22)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
bestell.txt Text File 60 2KB 1991-03-12
config3.frm Text File 43 3KB 1991-02-17
dok.txt Text File 586 26KB 1991-03-18
drformat.frm Text File 34 3KB 1991-02-17
drucker.txt Text File 31 800b 1991-03-16
formtest.frm Text File 63 703b 1991-03-15
formular.bat DOS Batch File 35 2KB 1991-03-13
hilfe.frm Text File 21 1KB 1991-02-18
hilfe.sys Text File 1 49KB 1991-03-25
install.bat DOS Batch File 78 4KB 1991-03-28
kurzbrf.frm Text File 61 2KB 1991-03-15
leistung.txt Text File 105 5KB 1991-03-18
lesen.bat DOS Batch File 20 404b 1991-03-13
liefer.frm Text File 20 1KB 1991-03-15
muster01.frm Text File 22 849b 1991-03-15
muster02.frm Text File 19 972b 1991-03-15
muster03.frm Text File 22 1KB 1991-03-15
muster04.frm Text File 19 1KB 1991-03-15
nummer1.frm Text File 148 646b 1991-02-18
preise.txt Text File 161 7KB 1991-03-15
printer2.frm Text File 135 10KB 1991-02-17
testabc.frm Text File 9 165b 1991-02-18

Other Files (30)
formular.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 41KB 1991-03-30
lharc.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 30KB 1989-05-04
list.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 4KB 1991-03-06
formular.ovr Borland Overlay 102KB 1991-03-30
chklist.ms Unknown 243b 1994-05-10
config3.fld Unknown 2KB 1991-02-17
drformat.fld Unknown 2KB 1991-02-17
files2.sys Unknown 2KB 1991-03-16
formcfg.sys Unknown 274b 1980-01-01
formtest.dat Unknown 61b 1991-03-15
formtest.fld Unknown 39b 1991-03-15
hilfe.fld Unknown 585b 1991-02-18
kurzbrf.dat Unknown 995b 1991-03-15
kurzbrf.fld Unknown 1KB 1991-03-15
liefer.dat Unknown 573b 1991-03-15
liefer.fld Unknown 975b 1991-03-15
muster01.dat Unknown 654b 1991-03-15
muster01.fld Unknown 663b 1991-03-15
muster02.dat Unknown 644b 1991-03-15
muster02.fld Unknown 702b 1991-03-15
muster03.dat Unknown 1KB 1991-03-15
muster03.fld Unknown 1KB 1991-03-15
muster04.dat Unknown 3KB 1991-03-15
muster04.fld Unknown 585b 1991-03-15
nummer1.fld Unknown 195b 1991-02-18
printer2.dat Unknown 4KB 1991-02-16
printer2.fld Unknown 16KB 1991-02-16
printers.sys Unknown 52KB 1991-02-18
testabc.dat Unknown 61b 1991-02-18
testabc.fld Unknown 117b 1991-02-18