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/ Horror Sensation / HORROR.iso / modules

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Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
madman.mod PowerPacker Archive 1 76KB 1994-06-24

Images (1)

Audio & Music (122)
1989-a number Protracker Module 4m13s 210KB 1991-08-14
after-the-rain Protracker Module 3m7s 62KB 1993-07-05
introfronty Protracker Module 51s 21KB 1978-09-05
sound-attack Protracker Module 2m25s 171KB 1991-06-23
autumn afternoon Protracker Module 3m29s 182KB 1977-12-31
autumnal-sunset Protracker Module 3m14s 125KB 1993-06-11
axis Protracker Module 3m35s 57KB 1993-06-11
babywear Protracker Module 7m20s 263KB 1977-12-31
## bad voices ## Protracker Module 7m21s 96KB 1993-04-25
barrakuda-desert Protracker Module 5m15s 245KB 1994-08-06
bar-brian Protracker Module 3m43s 191KB 1990-08-02
gameover SoundTracker Module 38s 207KB 1991-07-28
beyond music Protracker Module 4m31s 402KB 1992-10-22
beyond-2000 Protracker Module 1m39s 131KB 1991-08-07
beyond ages Protracker Module 4m5s 107KB 1992-09-21
beyond_belief Protracker Module 2m49s 156KB 1977-12-31
beyondforceonamiga Protracker Module 2m33s 116KB 1992-09-21
beyond yourself Protracker Module 4m30s 304KB 1993-05-13
black canyon Protracker Module 3m58s 277KB 1993-04-10
blackmusic Protracker Module 24s 101KB 1992-03-16
did you leave your Protracker Module 53s 136KB 1994-08-06
brainstorm#3-juihfi Protracker Module 3m 289KB 1993-05-26
brain-for-sale Protracker Module 6m45s 355KB 1994-06-10
brainstorm#2 Protracker Module 1m42s 176KB 1993-05-26
brainstorm Protracker Module 1m54s 183KB 1993-05-26
cabalintro Protracker Module 1m13s 89KB 1992-03-16
calling loulou Star Tracker/StarTrekker Module 3m17s 238KB 1991-04-21
Cold Protracker Module 3m21s 201KB 1992-09-27
criminallove Protracker Module 3m38s 128KB 1992-09-21
crystal rain Protracker Module 3m41s 112KB 1994-06-10
Danse Trak 666 Protracker Module 1m51s 223KB 1993-05-30
dark mights.jk Protracker Module 2m18s 148KB 1994-10-09
darkside o.the moon Protracker Module 2m50s 128KB 1993-03-22
darkness Protracker Module 2m56s 86KB 1980-12-29
dark-night Protracker Module 5m14s 63KB 1990-07-24
darkside o.the moon Protracker Module 2m50s 128KB 1994-01-11
dawn Protracker Module 2m49s 161KB 1991-02-25
MOD.Dawn-Chorus Protracker Module 3m43s 138KB 1993-06-11
dawntodu.mod OctaMED Module 4m9s 445KB 1994-04-11
dead and burried Protracker Module 2m2s 115KB 1993-02-25
dead cop Protracker Module 4m2s 122KB 1993-06-11
deadears Protracker Module 4m51s 166KB 1994-05-28
deadlock SoundTracker Module 3m19s 60KB 1992-03-16
dear rob SoundTracker Module 3m50s 67KB 1991-01-28
death Protracker Module 4m44s 294KB 1980-03-15
death-box Protracker Module 2m18s 88KB 1992-09-21
death-zone Star Tracker/StarTrekker Module 2m58s 73KB 1992-07-13
deathstar Protracker Module 3m27s 139KB 1989-12-04
mod.demons Protracker Module 3m19s 118KB 1980-12-01
demonsrevenge Protracker Module 2m20s 65KB 1992-06-26
mod.demosmash2 Protracker Module 3m8s 111KB 1980-11-08
demosound Protracker Module 2m41s 140KB 1992-09-21
we're the devils Protracker Module 6m24s 110KB 1993-06-10
die... Protracker Module 46s 172KB 1994-08-06
mod.die-again Protracker Module 4m1s 411KB 1992-09-27
die industrie Protracker Module 2m26s 152KB 1993-08-04
digita-expressions Protracker Module 10m 192KB 1992-09-21
dragonsfunk Protracker Module 6m8s 193KB 1991-05-04
exotika Protracker Module 2m11s 78KB 1990-11-30
fabrikneu Protracker Module 53s 155KB 1994-08-06
face in the water Protracker Module 4m21s 158KB 1992-09-21
fv.level.blood Protracker Module 3m59s 86KB 1992-10-25
evel.molecular Protracker Module 3m55s 84KB 1992-10-26
fv.gameover Protracker Module 35s 45KB 1992-10-26
fv.highscore Protracker Module 17s 48KB 1992-10-26
firework Protracker Module 3m54s 136KB 1990-02-01
flutepan.mod Protracker Module 5m35s 267KB 1992-02-14
'freaked out' Protracker Module 3m34s 114KB 1990-11-03
freddie SoundTracker Module 3m35s 56KB 1992-09-27
freeze Protracker Module 2m2s 289KB 1994-08-06
poseidon Protracker Module 4m59s 141KB 1990-12-23
run the gauntlet Protracker Module 2m42s 116KB 1992-09-27
ghost Protracker Module 3m19s 88KB 1992-09-27
ghostbusters ii Protracker Module 3m4s 158KB 1994-08-06
bubbleghost Protracker Module 1m55s 67KB 1993-06-11
ghostbusters SoundTracker Module 2m49s 47KB 1993-03-02
ghost-hardcore Protracker Module 1m28s 20KB 1992-09-21
grosshouse Protracker Module 3m42s 206KB 1992-03-16
-ght-bluring Protracker Module 2m33s 185KB 1993-06-11
gloomy Protracker Module 4m22s 99KB 1992-03-16
MOD.Graveyard2 Protracker Module 8m37s 124KB 1993-06-11
HABIT AVEC RUDOLF Protracker Module 3m12s 234KB 1992-12-27
hallucinations Protracker Module 5m15s 128KB 1992-09-27
haunted Protracker Module 6m36s 330KB 1993-01-11
horror Protracker Module 2m2s 100KB 1993-06-11
horror2 the revenge Protracker Module 1m37s 114KB 1993-05-13
horror2 the revenge Protracker Module 1m37s 114KB 1993-05-15
horrorealization Protracker Module 46s 120KB 1997-11-01
horrorealization Protracker Module 46s 120KB 1997-11-03
jason Protracker Module 2m25s 199KB 1992-09-27
Jack The Ripper 1.0 Protracker Module 49s 118KB 1993-06-09
killing butterfly Protracker Module 4m13s 118KB 1994-08-06
killer-dia Protracker Module 11s 69KB 1994-06-10
kyrom-art Protracker Module 8m51s 222KB 1992-03-16
mod.lightning Protracker Module 5m58s 252KB 1987-05-07
madness took me Protracker Module 7m33s 143KB 1992-03-16
massacre Protracker Module 2m41s 80KB 1992-09-21
the mirror Protracker Module 1m1s 220KB 1994-08-06
moonlit.short Protracker Module 3m29s 144KB 1994-03-29
full moon rock! Protracker Module 3m33s 211KB 1994-06-10
nightfall SoundTracker Module 2m49s 86KB 1990-07-27
night SoundTracker Module 2m46s 87KB 1990-02-24
nightfall Protracker Module 5m14s 129KB 1990-10-16
normal? Protracker Module 3m19s 112KB 1994-08-06
phantasie Protracker Module 3m38s 342KB 1993-01-11
phantasmagoria.ntii Protracker Module 4m56s 137KB 1992-09-27
psychedelic blast Protracker Module 6m35s 166KB 1977-12-31
psychotic-dreams Protracker Module 2m41s 772KB 1992-09-04
psycostatic Protracker Module 3m14s 92KB 1992-09-27
quandam Protracker Module 4m21s 205KB 1994-06-10
quiet evening! -lzd Protracker Module 2m24s 961KB 1994-04-02
rabbit SoundTracker Module 1m55s 119KB 1992-09-27
racism stop! Protracker Module 6m25s 256KB 1994-05-08
scoopex theme Protracker Module 3m38s 163KB 1991-05-26
sick human beeing Protracker Module 4m7s 200KB 1977-12-31
silent war Protracker Module 38s 245KB 1994-08-06
dirge3b Star Tracker/StarTrekker Module 2m56s 83KB 1991-03-22
The_Dark_III Protracker Module 10m 239KB 1994-09-27
thedeathtoll Protracker Module 2m8s 100KB 1992-09-21
tune01.mod Star Tracker/StarTrekker Module 53s 150KB 1991-03-22
vampire Protracker Module 1m43s 59KB 1992-09-19
zombie2.mod OctaMED Module 3m16s 170KB 1994-03-17