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/ Software of the Month Club 1996 June / Software of the Month Club 1996 June.iso / mac / Education / SpaceCamel / SpaceCamel.rsrc

Jump To: Image (46)  |  Audio (7)  |  Font (1)  |  Text (8)  |  Other (19)

Images (46)

Audio & Music (7)
snd_1000_Start sound.wav Waveform Audio File Format 2s 61KB 1996-03-13
snd_1001_battle.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.04s 8KB 1996-03-13
snd_1002_explosion.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.07s 13KB 1996-03-13
snd_1003_End Sound.wav Waveform Audio File Format 9s 208KB 1996-03-13
snd_1004_Pygmies eat.wav Waveform Audio File Format 1s 31KB 1996-03-13
snd_1005_No Air.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.03s 5KB 1996-03-13
snd_1006_Tractor beam.wav Waveform Audio File Format 0.09s 19KB 1996-03-13

Fonts (1)
NamePreview NamePreview

TrueType Font

1996-03-13 (33KB)

Text (8)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ALRT.txt Text File 165 3KB 1996-03-13
DITL.txt Text File 125 3KB 1996-03-13
MBAR_128.txt Text File 4 84b 1996-03-13
MENU.txt Text File 76 1KB 1996-03-13
SIZE_-1.txt Text File 16 448b 1996-03-13
STR#_1000.txt Text File 9 274b 1996-03-13
STR#_1001.txt Text File 5 173b 1996-03-13
WIND.txt Text File 37 548b 1996-03-13

Other Files (19)
CNST_1 All Null Bytes 2b 1996-03-13
ictb_128 All Null Bytes 12b 1996-03-13
aedt_128_Required Suite Unknown 48b 1996-03-13
aedt_129_Core Suite Unknown 156b 1996-03-13
aedt_130_Misc Standards Unknown 204b 1996-03-13
aete_0_English Unknown 3KB 1996-03-13
DATA_0 Unknown 18KB 1996-03-13
DLGX_128 Unknown 106b 1996-03-13
FOND_1339_Kashmir Unknown 666b 1996-03-13
Mcmd_128_Apple Unknown 6b 1996-03-13
Mcmd_129_File Unknown 10b 1996-03-13
Mcmd_130 Unknown 22b 1996-03-13
mctb_130_Bolt menu Unknown 32b 1996-03-13
PPob_1001_About Unknown 120b 1996-03-13
PPob_1050_intro window Unknown 128b 1996-03-13
PPob_800 Unknown 781b 1996-03-13
Txtr_128_System Font Unknown 17b 1996-03-13
Txtr_129_App Font Unknown 17b 1996-03-13
Txtr_130_Kashmir Unknown 24b 1996-03-13