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/ The Complete Encyclopedia of Games 1 / Microforum-Over1000GamesVol1-Win31-CD1of2.iso / mixed / prog52

Jump To: Audio (8)  |  Document (6)  |  Text (8)  |  Other (23)

Audio & Music (8)
song_1.kb1 Creative Music Format 1m49s 15KB 1992-07-28
song_11.kb1 Creative Music Format 2m9s 18KB 1992-08-04
song_2.kb1 Creative Music Format 1m57s 18KB 1992-06-30
song_3.kb1 Creative Music Format 2m9s 18KB 1992-06-09
song_4.kb1 Creative Music Format 1m3s 6KB 1992-06-07
song_5.kb1 Creative Music Format 1m43s 10KB 1992-05-19
song_6.kb1 Creative Music Format 2m26s 16KB 1992-06-11
song_7.kb1 Creative Music Format 2m20s 17KB 1992-07-28

Document (6)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
board1.kb1 Excel Spreadsheet 384b 1992-07-29
intro1.kb1 Excel Spreadsheet 384b 1992-07-01
intro2.kb1 Excel Spreadsheet 384b 1992-07-01
story.kb1 Excel Spreadsheet 384b 1992-07-01
story2.kb1 Excel Spreadsheet 384b 1992-04-30
story3.kb1 Excel Spreadsheet 384b 1992-07-01

Text (8)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
filelist.cpy Text File 45 506b 1995-06-03
kfilea.bat DOS Batch File 4 56b 1992-08-12
kfileb.bat DOS Batch File 3 42b 1994-10-12
kilo.bat DOS Batch File 7 135b 1992-08-12
kilo.doc Text File 246 10KB 1992-08-12
order.doc Text File 76 3KB 1992-08-11
sysop.doc Text File 31 1KB 1992-08-11
vendor.doc Text File 43 2KB 1992-08-12

Other Files (23)
kfile0.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 99KB 1992-08-12
kfile1.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 160KB 1992-08-09
kil.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 13KB 1993-03-08
back.kb1 Null Bytes Alternating 384b 1992-07-01
board2.kb1 Null Bytes Alternating 384b 1992-07-01
board3.kb1 Null Bytes Alternating 384b 1992-07-29
board4.kb1 Null Bytes Alternating 384b 1992-07-29
board5.kb1 Null Bytes Alternating 384b 1992-07-29
board6.kb1 Null Bytes Alternating 384b 1992-07-01
board7.kb1 Null Bytes Alternating 384b 1992-07-01
board8.kb1 Null Bytes Alternating 384b 1992-05-09
board9.kb1 Null Bytes Alternating 384b 1992-07-29
boarda.kb1 Null Bytes Alternating 384b 1992-07-29
credit.kb1 Null Bytes Alternating 384b 1992-07-01
end.kb1 Null Bytes Alternating 384b 1992-07-31
end2.kb1 Null Bytes Alternating 384b 1992-07-01
menu.kb1 Null Bytes Alternating 384b 1992-07-01
audio.kb1 Unknown 96KB 1992-08-02
config.kb1 Unknown 232b 1994-10-12
demo1.kb1 Unknown 415b 1992-08-02
demo2.kb1 Unknown 638b 1992-08-02
demo3.kb1 Unknown 508b 1992-08-02
shapes.kb1 Unknown 728KB 1992-07-30