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/ L' Effet Pommier 2 / L'Effet Pommier - Volume 02.iso / Trucs□

Jump To: Directory (38)  |  Archive (3)  |  Image (5)  |  Document (3)  |  Text (16)  |  Other (14)

Directories (38)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
Astuces pour Civilization ƒ3   BabyLabyrinth 1.0.4 Docs2   Beyond DC Cheat2
Colony Solution4   Dungeon of Doom ƒ3   FS4 Hints7
Gavin's Hint Book4   Hellcats 6   Hornet Mission Chooser1
Invisible Hand3   Lemmings GEM 1.0.12   LemmingsCheat 1.0b12
Leyte Cheat FKEY2   Loom Solve2   More Leyte Missiles 1.02
Myst2   Pathways +3 Trainer2   Pathways Into Cheating2
PoPMap1.0beta52   Prince Of Persia7   Rebel Assault Cheat2
Rumors2   Sample GFL™ Teams9   Shadowgate2
Sierra Patch2   SimAnt2   Solucion "Beyond Juslibol"3
Solutions Games34   SUPER SPECTRE2   SuperLemmings2
Tetris™ ƒ1   Thieves' Tools4   Truly Supreme 1.03
Uninvited Hints8   Uninvited Walkthrough1   Uninvited Walkthrus5
Victoire 1.0.14   Wolfenstein's2

Archives (3)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
Icon↵ MacBinary 1 3KB 1996-01-13
SIMULATOR.TIPS (2.0) MacBinary 2 16KB 1988-03-03
Theldrow Map HyperCard Stack 35 38KB 1994-05-18

Images (5)

Document (3)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
Monkey Hints.rtf Rich Text Format 2 5KB 1994-01-22
Puzzle Gallery Clues.rtf Rich Text Format 5 38KB 1994-01-22
Shadowgate.walkthrough Macintosh Word Document 7 20KB 1992-10-01

Text (16)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
AV-INCOMPATIBLE GAMES LIST Text File 245 11KB 1994-06-03
Dungeons Doom Hints (TchTxt) Text File 135 6KB 1987-09-27
FOOLS ERRAND HINT FILE Text File 1,057 49KB 1994-01-22
Guide Myst Text File 66 15KB 1994-02-24
KINGS QUEST III - HINTS Text File 587 17KB 1994-01-22
M&M I hints (TchTxt) Text File 24 2KB 1990-01-28
Mission Thunderbolt Spoilers Text File 291 15KB 1994-01-22
Mission Thunderbolt tips Internet Message Format 47KB 1993-05-26
mission-thunderbolt-tips.txt Internet Message Format 47KB 1993-05-21
Out of This World - Steps copy Text File 132 35KB 1993-08-08
ShadowGate Solved (Word) Text File 260 35KB 1987-10-03
siege-and-conquest-guide.txt Internet Message Format 11KB 1994-06-09
Spaceship Warlock-Hints 1 Text File 60 9KB 1994-02-17
Spaceship Warlock-Hints 2 Text File 68 5KB 1994-02-17
Trucs pour Sim City 2000 Text File 17 729b 1994-07-17
Trucs pour TRISTAN Text File 68 3KB 1993-04-07

Other Files (14)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
Eight Ball Deluxe Tips MacOS Executable 1 235KB 1994-02-18
Leyte Rescue MacOS Executable 1 2KB 1992-12-08
MagnetoCheato MacOS Executable 1 7KB 1987-06-28
Pathways Guide v1.1 MacOS Executable 1 757KB 1994-02-11
SL Modifier MacOS Executable 1 8KB 1988-03-28
Star Conquest Cheater MacOS Executable 1 21KB 1989-09-23
UltimaII Boost MacOS Executable 1 21KB 1987-03-22
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
Darkseed Hint's e. Unknown 6KB 1993-10-13
Lemmings Codes Unknown 5KB 1994-01-31
Puzzle Gallery Clues Unknown 17KB 1990-12-25
Space Quest I - point list Unknown 6KB 1993-10-13
Space Quest V - point list Unknown 8KB 1993-10-13
Step by Step Prince Unknown 72KB 1992-11-17
Uninvited.walkthrough Unknown 12KB 1992-10-01