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Directories (41)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
24BIT_ Manipulated Imagery II26   3D Models5   Alternative Health and Healing4
ASCII Anthologies3   CNN Newsroom Maps14   Comedy Club Greatest Hits27
Delete me2   From Business Sense17   From the White House - Archives161
Graphics Files6   Grayscale Scans67   Lectures14
Mac 500 - Business4   Mac 500 - Communications3   Mac 500 - Control Panels22
Mac 500 - Desk Accessories11   Mac 500 - Developer Aids & Hacks8   Mac 500 - Education8
Mac 500 - Fun & Games49   Mac 500 - Function Keys6   Mac 500 - Graphics Applications9
Mac 500 - Hypercard4   Mac 500 - Inits19   Mac 500 - QuickTime Movies9
Mac 500 - Sound & Music12   Mac 500 - System 7 Utilities11   Mac 500 - TrueType Fonts6
Mac 500 - Utilities7   Mac 500- Serifs and Sans-serifs15   Mac500 - The Most of the Best12
Mac500-Display & Art Face Fonts20   Mac500-DropCaps,'Bats&Handwritng9   MS Application Notes & Files7
MS DOS Notes & Files6   MS OS_2 Notes & Files3   MS Programming Language Notes11
MS Windows Notes & Files21   Natl Student Research Project8   Sound Products4
Third Party Exchange7   Utilities2