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/ Inside Multimedia 1996 September / IMM0996.ISO / driver / diamond.mm / diamond / mmkit / mm929w95.exe

File Comment
│                       Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc.                     │
│  Filename │ MM929W95.EXE                ││ NOTE: This is a BETA driver set │
│           │                             ││       for the OPTi 929 sound    │
│  Products │ Multimedia Kits 1000, 2000, ││       card, which is included   │
│           │ 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, and ││       with many of the Diamond  │
│           │ some 7000 kits.             ││       Multimedia Kits.          │
│           │                             ││                                 │
│       2880 Junction Ave  San Jose, CA 95134  Voice (408) 325-7000        │

Text (3)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CSETUP.INF INI File 572 15KB 1996-01-23
README.TXT Text File 226 10KB 1996-01-23
SND929P.INF INI File 276 8KB 1995-09-29

Other Files (6)
MF929.VXD MS-DOS/Windows Executable 13KB 1995-09-29
SND929P.DRV Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 58KB 1995-10-09
SND929P.VXD MS-DOS/Windows Executable 30KB 1995-10-09
SNDM401P.DRV Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 17KB 1995-09-29
SNDM401P.VXD MS-DOS/Windows Executable 14KB 1995-09-29
SNDOPL3P.DRV Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 27KB 1995-09-29