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Directories (2)
Name# Files   Name# Files
_derived2   bin27

Archives (3)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
ASP.suo Microsoft Compound Document 16 11KB 2007-11-28
Order.suo Microsoft Compound Document 16 8KB 2007-11-28
Thumbs.db Windows Thumbnail Database 14 25KB 2007-11-28

Images (15)

Text (25)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ASP.csproj Text File 204 8KB 2007-11-28
ASP.csproj.webinfo Text File 5 108b 2007-11-28
ASP.sln Text File 22 916b 2007-11-28
AssemblyInfo.cs Text File 63 3KB 2007-11-28
Copy (2) of ASP.csproj.webinfo Text File 5 108b 2007-11-28
Copy (2) of Eval.aspx.cs Text File 318 11KB 2007-11-28
Copy of ASP.csproj.webinfo Text File 5 108b 2007-11-28
Copy of Eval.aspx.cs Text File 318 11KB 2007-11-28
Default.aspx Text File 304 25KB 2007-11-28
Default.aspx.resx Extensible Markup Language 109 5KB 2007-11-28
Eval.aspx Text File 84 6KB 2007-11-28
Eval.aspx.cs Text File 356 12KB 2007-11-28
Eval.aspx.resx Extensible Markup Language 109 5KB 2007-11-28
Global.asax Text File 2 72b 2007-11-28
Global.asax.cs Text File 77 1KB 2007-11-28
Global.asax.resx Extensible Markup Language 43 2KB 2007-11-28
Order.sln Text File 22 922b 2007-11-28
Support.aspx Text File 122 8KB 2007-11-28
Support.aspx.cs Text File 271 9KB 2007-11-28
Support.aspx.resx Extensible Markup Language 109 5KB 2007-11-28
Web.config Extensible Markup Language 144 7KB 2007-11-28
WebForm1.aspx Text File 20 632b 2007-11-28
WebForm1.aspx.cs Text File 45 1KB 2007-11-28
WebForm1.aspx.resx Extensible Markup Language 43 2KB 2007-11-28
XheoTest.aspx Text File 6 160b 2007-11-28