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/ Mac100% 1999 April / MAC100-1999-04.ISO.7z / MAC100-1999-04.ISO / 特集2「iCON FREEEAK10000SP」 / Calle's Custom Icons / Misc. icons

Jump To: Directory (56)  |  Archive (1)  |  Image (1)  |  Text (2)

Directories (56)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
Ace of Clubs1   Ace of Diamonds1   Ace of Hearts1
Ace of Spades1   Apple1   Apple Screen1
Apple, chewed1   Apple, eaten1   Arkiv folders1
Arkiv folders 21   Bananas1   Camera on tri-pod1
Candle1   Casper1   Cassette1
chemistry1   Cluster1   Dagbok1
Diary1   Earth in Space1   Fax1
Gadget Junior1   Globe1   Golfball 21
Golfclub1   Graveyard1   Hand1
Imprisoned1   Jagannatha1   Littlefoot1
Mail1   Mjolner1   Money1
Neutral Screen1   News1   No bullshit!1
No smoking1   Plain T-shirt1   Prison1
Rainbow Screen1   Red ball1   sailboat1
Schaman's drum1   Sheriff1   Smile T-shirt1
Space1   stethoscope1   Supernova1
Swedish mailbox 11   Swedish mailbox 21   Teeth1
UFO1   What-a-Mess1   WSJ1
Yellow Dot1   Yin & Yang1

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
Icon↵ MacBinary 1 3KB 1998-02-04

Images (1)

Text (2)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
L郭 Mig! Text File 47 2KB 1998-10-25
Read Me! Text File 48 2KB 1998-10-25