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/ Reality Check Network 35 / rcn-35_002.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1997-01-01  |  8KB  |  640x400  |  4-bit (6 colors)
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OCR: REALITY CHECK NETWORK! Hello there folks. This is Sandive you resident coder. Coding is an art as sotware piracy is an art; when the two are combined something very very beautiful happens. Tools such as ACiDDraw, iCEDraw, and engines as this one are all products if warez coders. I will teach you the techniques and strategies to fulfill startling and dumb founding effects. In this first installment, I will introduce you to mode 13h or MCGA mode. This is the mode commonly used by warez/demo coders on the 'Net today. It provide 2 pages of 64k memory. You can achieve mode 13h with the following 'C' code: void setmode(unsigned int mode) { asm mov ax, mode /* where mode = 0x0013 */ asm int 0x0010 /* call video interrupt */ [F1]=Options [S]=Search