Well, I've liked I.E. since issue #3 (my first) and my only question is..
Why is it that so many reviews are re-runs from prior I.E. issues?! I mean take #13 and #15 there were several re-runs in there (sorry, but I missed #14) I know that you were covering the Expo but why tell me that you didn't have room for some departments when about 1/6th of the whole issue was re-run reviews and previews?! I know that you probly run out of "cutting edge" news because once you've reported it.. that's it.. well, 'cept for a few updates now and then.. so if you dont have enough to fill the Zine why not add a few departments?!
I'd LOVE to see some animations thrown in there, how about a cartoon or two.. a running series? or a section for WEB-Surfers?! how about an update every month on the latest sites so I don't have to waste my $$ in online charges to check it out if it's actually a lame site! (And I'm sure if ANYONE would tell me the TRUTH it'd probly be you guys! And tha's a good thing! We readers like to hear ya trash some deserving fool like MAABUS or whatever the *#@! it's named. I bought ((and returned)) that stupid game!)
anyways, for the most part I really like I.E. comments?! :)