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Portable Network Graphic  |  1991-01-01  |  7KB  |  640x400  |  4-bit (8 colors)
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OCR: Legacy of Excellence by Force Ten 0% 100% Legacy of Excellence - ACiD Productions Way back in the elite world, art groups were not as commonplace as they are today. Back then, people would go to some of the best artists to get their ads. As time progressed, more and more groups began to form, and more and more artists came into the art world. Unfortunately, the quality of the art also began to fall, and the general respect of an 'ANSI' group dropped. But one group of artists shone through the pack, establishing themselves as the protocol for excellence in art and as the elite trendsetters. Their ideals of excellence still exist today, and their story will be unfolded for you ... I - The AAA Chapter A couple years ago, a group called AAA (Aces of ANSI Art) made high quality F1/Help ESC/Exit to Main Menu