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OCR: 041 = Perspective Calculation Page 01 of 06 PERSPECTIVE Perspective - Use it or Lose it CALCULATION When we view any object in the real world we are able to estimate it's by MAXIMAN/LSD distance from us simply by knowing the object's dimens ions and subconc iously This article has been written for comparing these to our view of the coders who have yet to shed their 'L'- object. The further away an object is plates and need a shove in the right from us the smaller it appears and direction when it comes to 3D yet, obviously, the objects dimensions techniques. Advanced coders who have remain the same. This is perspective stumbled across this article should and, luckily for us, it can be ask themselves this question - 'WHY AM described mathematically using the I READING AN ARTICLE ON 3D PERSPECTIVE following formula: WHEN I COULD BE CODING AN ADVANCED VECTOR ROUTINE?' - and then reset (X * P) ----- their computer and load up their favour i te assembler immediately. (Z + P) This formula is a 'similar triangles' equation and is the basis for calculating single-point perspective. HELP 1ST LAST