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Portable Network Graphic  |  1994-01-01  |  11KB  |  640x400  |  4-bit (9 colors)
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OCR: Title: Spiritual Foundation CMiGRE Magazine Duthor : Shadow Streaker issue #1 Date Submitted: June 23, 1994 . . O SPIRITUAL FOUNDaliON o. . .. Spiritual Foundation is a Christian network designed for the Christian community to be a part in the forming of tommorrow. it is a way four our joy to be shared with the rest of the world. it is a way for our voices to be Ifited up and heard by thousands. Technology has advanced rapidly over the past 50 years and is moving toward completely new realms of application. Medical breakthroughs are becoming a common occurrence. Genetic research is perfecting animal cloning and has benefited in new strands of plant and animal life for higher yield farming. Nuclear research has brought us longer lasting energy sources in smaller packages. Mathematicians are counting digits in theoretical universes bringing us new viewpoints to the mysteries of the world we live in. Computer research has brought us to a new age. 14 Scrolls Up/Down Through Text ESC - Exits Reader